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Everything posted by CI HIR

  1. That`s going to be one big mother of a dog when he stops growing.
  2. Are they for sale or what?This ad has turned into complex bollocks.
  3. The old man was absoloutly right.Sighthounds have a very high amount of "fast twitch fibres" in their muscles.These are only stimulated when the dog`s sprinting.So any lurcher with a high proportion of sighthound(greyhound,whippet,saluki,deerhound)in it`s make up will only become fit and improve it`s speed by running.
  4. Here`s my bitch.26.5"tts.Good allrounder.
  5. Here`s my bitch.26.5"tts.Good allrounder.
  6. Deerhound or Bedlington Terrier for me.
  7. Where i come from a reverse bullx is a halfxbull/grey put back to a bull. Creating a 3/4bull 1/4 hound. atb stabba. I would like to add that those pups look little corkers. hope they turn out as planned. yer i thought that stabba,the pups look like belters,i hope they serve their purpose,atvb This is a reverse 1st cross(if the sire was a pure greyhound),you`re on about a reverse 3/4 1/4.
  8. These pups are what you call reverse bull crosses ie bull dam,sighthound sire not the usual way of crossing bull cross`.
  9. Nice long pup,how`s it bred mate?
  10. It`ll do him good,keep him keen and give him a chance to catch his first one.You`ve got to get him ready for the winter lamping.Good luck
  11. Lovely pup mate.It`s 3/4 whippet,1/8th collie and 1/8th greyhound.An ideal ferreting dog.Good luck.
  12. I`ve had the same problem myself mate,lurcher dog attacking lurcher bitch(even though they work well together and are good friends),lurcher bitch crunching terrier`s head etc,etc.It all happened when there were some bones or treats going.I sorted the problem by only giving them treats when they`re kenneled individually.He`s got a strong character which could be usefull in the field,as long as he knows you`re the boss.Good luck.
  13. Fair play to FENMAN1 for sorting you out.
  14. Nice one mate.There`s nothing better for the owner than having a keen pup.Lighter dogs will start working much sooner than heavier dogs.Good luck
  15. There`s no hard and fast answer to that.You can get good and bad 1st crosses,but you`ve a better chance of the dog being a good worker if it`s bred from worker to worker(whatever the breeding).Both Bedlington(working lines) and wheaten terriers have simmilar temperments but are different build,the wheaten being heavier with a much bigger head.
  16. not got the cross bud sound a right good cross you got there am think of adding wheaton to my line i got 3/4grey 1/4 collie wish all the best with your cross atb keano Cheers Keano. Good luck with your line.
  17. Cheers. She`s doing fine,pups are due in 2 weeks.
  18. He`ll be 3 in August.I`ve had him from when he was 6 weeks old.He does all I ask of him,and a bit more .Looking forward to September.
  19. Any one else with this cross?Here`s mine,24" tts,good lamping dog.
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