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Everything posted by jocky

  1. got one for sale if you want it a 22, only shot about 200 pellets . in VERY GOOD CONDITION . need £200 for it. collection only or you you sort post out. it is a early model from the 80s with long barrel.
  2. lost my best jill early in year. like you said it does bring a tear to your eye. if there was a rabbit home she would find it.
  3. were we going to house them, and were is the money going to come from for there benefits.
  4. shoot them most days in garden,when there after the greens. also had 9 magpies in the last month. put a magpie decoy out the other week and one came straight in, his mates all started coming to the morning to see him off. so was total of four in about two mins.
  5. have a word with gaz6br. he brings is lab ferreting and she is great.
  6. wrong date on the photo cos i had just put new batteries in camera. have reset the date now so next pic will have right date on. you happy now.
  7. Was feed up, so had a quick walk up the stables, would probably had more but there was 3 girls down the bottom fields with there horses. mushrooms now going in the pan with with some sausage a farmer gave me last week, so its jacket potato with sausage egg beans and mushrooms for my late dinner/supper.
  8. jocky


    Why do we pay the bbc for a tv licence in the first place, when most of us get the channels from sky, virgin, bt, ect.
  9. well done mate. It must be knee deep in rabbits were you are lol. How them bees doing.
  10. jocky

    Tv Fire Stick

    there some fire sticks on ebay that say fully loaded. Take that means they got every think on them.
  11. jocky

    Tv Fire Stick

    thanks all, think im going to try one.
  12. Does any one use one of them fire sticks you plug into the back of your tv. Been told you can get loads of channels for free.
  13. they are two dogs. not done any work. went to see them friday. they are black and white, not liver and white. think she may have sold them now. as some was interested in them to train as sniffer dogs for drugs and explosives .
  14. Can any one recommend me a good book for making my own wine. never done it before, but going to give it a try.
  15. have the same problem, done them a 8x4 run on side of two tear pen and they shit all over it. but use there tray in the pen.
  16. Is any one interested in a liver and white cocker spaniel, i no were there are two looking for GOOD homes. they are only 7 month old, and had no training. they have got all there papers/ pedigrees. The only reason there for sale is they belonged to some one in the RAF, and she as past away with a kidney problem. her husband asking for £200 each..
  17. well done rez. was tempted to go out myself this evening, but was doing jobs at home so could not be bothered by time i had my dinner at 7.30.
  18. set the traps finer. or it could be mice taking it. i put a tiger nut boile on my traps
  19. jocky

    Wire Mesh

    try 1" weld mesh off ebay, its free postage and cheaper than i have seen it any were else.
  20. Well it looked promising when i got there, 5 rabbits sitting along the hedge row. So went to the far end of hedge so i would be shooting away from the road. Sat on my bucket with shooting sticks at the ready, seen a rabbit under hedge so waited for him to come out , but he ran back in.. Something wrong hear. Next thing black cat walking up hedge row. thats F it up. So went steady walk round. could see 3 over far side of pitch, they all did a runner before i was within yards. Decided to walk back to were i started and sit and wait. Half grown rabbit came out about 30 yards away, clean head s
  21. Was asked friday night if i could go and thin a few rabbit's out at the cricket club, as they are digging it up. So im going to sit and wait with the s410 in 177 to see whats about. we shoot most of them last year. will let you now how i get on. not expecting much.
  22. thanks moxy, hope you have loads of honey.
  23. had the same problem mate. my ferret pen/run as allways been clean. looked at them about two weeks ago and covered in fees. 4 of them are ok now after spray and powder in new bedding. all was disinfected out. but one of my best jills as got a hear infection. been cleaning it with mild salt water and cotton buds round out side. and been putting ear drops in. she is better than she was, but still walks like she is been on the pop.., she can not walk straight. think she as had a flee go down in her ear .
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