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Everything posted by jocky

  1. i no fat ferret, that the problum, i shot my self but could shoot this with a catty.
  2. i have done some big old rabbit warens that i have bolted rabbits and foxes from, [lucky for th ferrets] but you can tell a bager by the bedding out side the hole and the amount of dirt that as been dug out.
  3. no not lost any, got six jills and a hob all together with bed full of straw, change water first thing in morning and again before it gets dark,,i i dont use bottles as they freze to quick,. and try to feed them meat instead of dry food, so they dont need so much water.
  4. ok mate thanks, just wanted to no as there are 3 young lads about 18 and a gile shooting the ducks and geese on a river near me, they have not got a dog and the ducks dont even want to fly, they just circle round and come back in, as all the pools and lakes are frozen. i have found 2 dead geese and a wigon in the river...
  5. can any one recomend me a good camera for taking photos of wild life birds ect. only wont to spend about £200 if pos..been looking at the panasonicFZ45 what do you think. its got 14mp and 24x optical zoom.
  6. can any one tell me if they have put a ban on duck and goose shooting in england yet...
  7. would you do a swap for s410 carbind in a .22.
  8. will try and get some pics of the rats when i can get out , they will only be with 8 MP ... cant get near the rabbitts at moment, and most just sitting under the hedges eating the bark.
  9. thanks to you all, will stick with what im using then, just got to re zero at about 20yr. farmer says there loads of rats there, will have to wait and see when weather picks up abit...like walking on corn flakes at moment... thanks again keith.
  10. thanks will have a look at them...will need to re zero as they will only be close shots.
  11. can any one recomened me a good .22 pellet for shoting rats round the farm, gun is air arms s410k... or should i stick with the premier ultra magnum i use for rabbits....thans to all.
  12. bet they have, i got one .very good little bitch. mine looks like a small patterdale all black with small patch of white on chest,, very stong dog for her size.
  13. went to one of the farms i ferret and shoot the rabbits on to day to get some straw for ferrets bedding. asked if he new of any more farmers that had any rabbits [ as there very few left on his] so he told me to call and see another farm that might have some rabbits. call at the farm and seen farmer in yard, told him mr ? had sent me to see him about some rabbiting,,,BINGO he said yes he got a few rabbits about, but also alot of rats,,[,even better,] so i can do the rabbitts with ferrets or shoot them with air rifles day or night.. and shoot the rats day or night, and take my 2 patterdales f
  14. dont recomend towels jumpers,,put two old jumpers in last night for them, whent to give them fresh water this morning, and one had got her front clarw stoke in jumper.... was trying to bit throue jumper and twisting round... not a good thing to see. glad i found her when i did .
  15. it the same were i am to, they just seem to be gone, there was alot last year. you dont see them on the side of the roads or run over any more....
  16. jocky

    long net pins

    they are 14" in total
  17. hi all, i have put some long net end pins on ebay if any one intrested. i no they not the chepest but think they are the best.
  18. who needs a lurcher, just get a stoat lol.
  19. .i use a hawk map pro 3 .3-12 x50 on both my guns think they good for the money.. can get them on ebay for £50.
  20. think i need to go and knock on a few more doors, the places im ferreting ,and shooting at night with air rifles have very few rabbits left. think i have made to good a job of clearing them lol.
  21. jocky

    end pins

    got some i had made out of top grade alluminum, got 10 in total. there 14" long with 5" ring. and only 5oz each. never used them. they not cheap cheap. make me a offer on how many you want.
  22. any pics mate never seen one , what cal 177 or 22, may be intrested.
  23. were are you , is it muli shot, and how much ..
  24. yes you can ron out as much net as you need, i got 2 x100yrd. 2x 50yrd.1x25yard. and 6x6yrd nets depending were im useing them. i got mine of ebay of [ashmay708] in 6z they good nets for the money..
  25. would love to come and have a shot with you. me and my 17 year old son if that ok, we shot or ferreted most the rabbitt on are permisions. we both very safe with guns been shooting since i was about 6. not far from you only in tamworth, just up A5 from you. thanks jocky/keith.
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