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Everything posted by jocky

  1. yes zero point still ok, and it is always filled up befor i go out, and never run to low... just a pain at moment got some new grownd with loads of rabbits that he needs clearing.
  2. hi all, it it posable for my s410 to loss power, there does not seen to be any air leaks. but the last 3 weeks it does not seem to be killing the rabbits like it did. hiting them clean in head at about 30 yards but some are just shaking there head and gone.
  3. is any one or as any one used the daystate rangemaster light pellets. and what do they think of them. was thinking of trying them in my s410.
  4. im looking for one as well in tamworth staffordshire
  5. looking to buy a vac hob to take my 4 jills out of season when they come in, im in tamworth staffs. thanks all.
  6. got all mine of ebay, seller is ashmay708 .. all mine are 6z and good quility nets.
  7. i not long got a panosonic fz45 very pleased with it.
  8. sorry to hear that mate are my old 3 ferrets ok you had off me ?
  9. i put a 100yrd 6z long net on ebay lastnight. never been used £40
  10. i use johnsons antibacterial wound powder on my patterdals and ferrets, find it very good.. got mine off ebay as my pet shop does not stock it...hope this helps.
  11. at least you got out mate, im stuck at home with a broken ankle. im from tamworth to.
  12. thanks mate there little crackers. lol the mrs feels sorry for the one with no tail and wants to keep him for herself.... 5 years ive been trying to get her to pick a ferret up and she was straight in the box for him thanks again mart. no prob mate all the best with them.
  13. sorry these ferret have been homed now thanks people.
  14. jocky

    anchor pins

    got 1 pair of aluminum pins left they are on ebay..made of top qulity ali..strong and light.
  15. gutted!!!!! ive just been your way earlier and payed for 2 jills id come and take them if i had more space mate how much did u pay for them mate £16 the pair lol if you have a spare hutch il gladly take them from you and give you a couple of quid give me call mate 07501084634 yes i have a spare hutch
  16. gutted!!!!! ive just been your way earlier and payed for 2 jills id come and take them if i had more space mate how much did u pay for them mate
  17. hi im looking for some one to take these ferrets off me for good home came from a good workin litter i have only worked the jills once this season recently broke my foot and i have 6 ferrets so need to down size my amount of ferrets but i dont mind if some one just wants one of them for instance the hob is happy to be on his own had him to breed with was very succesful please let me know if any one wants them please they been eating fur and feather and will eat dry food aswell .
  18. should be good on the rape now snow going, just make shore your on a good flight line.
  19. ian hodge got some lightweight ghillie suit in countrymans weekly £35. free p+p dont no what they like .
  20. hi i have a 7 month old jill and hob an two 3 year old jills the to old ones will only come out when nothings left in my eyes is a good thing and if no rabbits are in they will scout round till there sure and come out but my 7 month old hob is called monkey i have called him this since he was only a kit and he is used to it he will follow me around the garden and the fields if i leave him one end of the garden and call him he comes to me this is good when working bushes with long nets but occasionally he will sit at the edge of the hole and turn around and go back in so i give him ten mintues
  21. thanks lads...had 4 pint and two whisky, but was still painfull, and still is now.
  22. well not the best xmas, sliped on snow/ice last night on way home from club. broken my ankle got to go back and have plate and pins in it..it fu----g hurts...what be doing much for a few weeks.
  23. Just a Nikon.. This one wasnt taken through glass, but outside just beofre the snow came.. very good mate. i just ordered a panasonic fz45. hope it gets pics as good as them when it arives.
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