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Everything posted by jocky

  1. shoot the lot of them, most of them should not be here. country in a mess now, so what is this going to put on the taxes.
  2. im using air arms field pellets at the moment, has any one used the air arms hunter pellets, and what do they think of them.
  3. will swap for what , do need 2 of them
  4. any pics what cal .22 or .177 and location please.. if its a .177, would you swap for a aa s410 .22
  5. went out for couple hours tuesday about 7.30 till 9.30, had quick walk round two fields, then sat and waited for rabbits to come out. shot very well 8 rabbits and one woody for 10 shots. the one i mist moved its head just as i pulled trigger...[ big thank you to zini for telling me what to zero at 37 yards .177 ] longest shoot at 47 yards one milldot over.
  6. were you from mate, and would you be intrested in swopin any for aa s410 .22 in mint condition.
  7. im not going to be using 22 fire arm, i will be using s410 air rifle. was just wondering as the people that were shooting there and still do some times,were using 22 rim
  8. does any one no why, when a cat walks up the hedge row the rabbits that are sitting just out from the hedge, run to the middle of the field and not down there holes. seen it a few times now on one of the farms i shoot on.
  9. is it ok to use a 22 bullet on a golf course for rabbit shooting, not shore how it would work as it is still a public place.
  10. i no mate, thats 7 now. but there is 2 more that i would realy like to get.
  11. just got another new permision, a golf course, shooting with air rifeles and ferreting, got to meet the grounds man a week on thursday to show to round and give me keys and map of land. thats 2 new pemisions in last month....think i will have to get another frezzer.
  12. were you from jonny, and is it a .177 or .22 what scope is on gun
  13. How much are you looking for? I'm after 3 jills and a hob. Regards Dave £5 each just to cover food cost
  14. i have 8 ferret kits to part with, 5 jills 3 hobs, will be ready about 5th aug. tamworth staffs.
  15. does any one use sheep dropings on there veg garden. the farmer were i shoot says there very good to put round your vegs.
  16. hi all is it ok to mount a razer dot to the side of your scope, to use as a range finder, as i cant fit it to the top as there is no room with the lamp on.
  17. thanks zini, i new you would be there to help, and thanks to all others, all the best jocky.
  18. hi all, what is the best range to zero my air arms 410 in 177 and 22. using air arms field pellets.
  19. why have you taken the jill away from the kits. i have got four jills in with my kits no problumwith them.
  20. thanks buster, i dont adjust it, just leave it at 50yard setting,
  21. does it make ant differance at what range you set your objective lens, my gun is zeroed at 30 yards, but objective lens set at 50. as it is alot clearer. scope is a hawk map pro 3, gun s410
  22. yes will get a chrono to see what its doing, many thanks lads.
  23. have always used crossman premier ultra magnun, never had problum with them, can hit drawing pin at 30 yards with them.
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