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Everything posted by jocky

  1. i got 3 very good workers, but you would be looking at a 3 figure sum to buy one ....sorry think im going to keep them, they got alot of work to do this year
  2. i used to use germicidal disinfectant for my ferret hutch and run ,same as vets use , but cant find any now. so use agricide kennel disinfectant, there some on ebay item No 27081934119.
  3. got a s410 carbine in 22 to sell, but your to far away .
  4. went out last night on 1 off my new permissions we had already ferreted it and had 5 out one warren and nothin in the other warrens so it would be intresting to see wht was about at night.we set off around the fields. we approched the gate to the first feild and had a scan around before openin the gate and seen about 4 bunnys sittin out so we carfeully climbed over and walked up on them, switched the lamp on and took aim but they were gone, so walked back up the field to the next feild and had a scan around and seen about 6 bunnys sittin out so we walked up and took aim, i took the first shot
  5. may sound silly but does any think that badgers can spread mixy, i no they travel a long way at night, further than rabbits, so could they be spreading it more so than rabbits.
  6. try using a small sized bike inner tube cut into 1/2" stripes
  7. do you not think it could be with shooting at some one the other day.
  8. were you at, is it a 177 and is it multi shoot
  9. were you at mate, would you be intrested in swaping for s410 in 22. as my son whats a 177.
  10. got a albino jill you can have mate, about 13 weeks old and from good working stock.. im only in tamworth.
  11. think you got the price wrong mate, dont you mean £5 each
  12. dont think so, its the same every year and tickets to much.
  13. would take £450 for it, its comes with hawk map pro 3 scope 3-9 x50 and a carbon moderator. it about 18 month old and in near mint condition, as fired about 2 tins of pellets and is been croned at 11.6lb. it is my sons gun but he whats a 177 like mine.
  14. got one to part with but realy wanted to swap it for a 177 pcp, air arms s410 or hw100. and im in tamworth staffordshire
  15. were you from mate, would you be intrested in swaping 177 s410 for a 22 s410 carbin. thats if you not to far as would want face to face.
  16. were you from mate, got a albino jill kit 12 weeks old if that any good to you. im in tamworth staffs.
  17. just been to see a farmer about night fishing a pool for my son and the said yes, so asked about some ferreting and another yes. he then told me to go and see another farmer that as alot of land and got a rabbit problum, so off i got to see him. bingo can ferret it and shoot with air rifles as well, and may be geting his brothers farm to. thats 7 in total now, looking to get 10 as there is abit of mixi about at moment.
  18. Just like to worn any one that as insurance with legal and general to be very carefull they done pay out.. i have had my morgage insurance with them from 1994, i broke my ankle on xmas eve had had a plate and 5 screws fitted, tryed to clame and they said i was not insured for accedent..only redundentcy or out of work. doctor as how finished me from work. so my employer as made me redundent as there is no longer any suitable or alternative work.. and they said they will still not pay out. i am now trying to clame all my money back of them from 1994 to pay the arrers on my morgage...this is not
  19. would do you a swap for a air arms s410 .22 if you were closer. as my son is look for a 177
  20. i will be driving and my son shooting, so needs to fit pasengers door side, wish he could drive and i could shoot.
  21. do you no what its called or what there used for.thanks
  22. does any one now how i can make some sort of gun rest to shoot out of front pasengers window .
  23. i use bike inner tube, have got some castration rings if they are any good to you.
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