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Everything posted by jocky

  1. do you what just the skins or the full rabbits
  2. try covering it over, and make sore it up aganst a wall ect were they run
  3. got a s410 in 22 to sell in as new condition for £450. but im in tamworth staffordshire.
  4. im thinking about geting a multi fule burner with a back boiler, but im in a so called smokless zone, how much is coal now days, i will burn logs aswell.
  5. my 5 have just had a full rabbit we got today ferreting
  6. feed my two patts on harringtons as there is no colouring or preseretivs, and boiled rabbit with a clove of crushed garlic in then remove meat from bones..
  7. i use 25yd and 50yd nets alot, but run 6yd nets every 25yds as stop nets, and at both ends. make sure you got 100% bagging in them so the rabbits dont bounce off them.. i dont use a dog.
  8. i ues a stanly knife with the small hooked blade for gutting, its so easy to do, and is always in the game bag.
  9. got a air arms s410 carbine in 22 to sell with weaver scope and silencer, in vgc £500 . im in tamworth staffordshire.
  10. i get £2.50 each skined and gutted , all mine are ferreted or head shot with air rifle. need to find some more out lets now winter coming
  11. i always use a shooting stick, i got mine off bay, there ideal when walking round for standing shots, or if im sitting waiting for rabbits to come out i just lower it. would not go out with out one.
  12. jocky


    i think you use bleach
  13. theres one on ebay am moment.
  14. yes im intrested, were you at, how old is it, carbine or classic.in box now empty.
  15. would wait till it cools down abit next week, they will get hot in the box, i always take water for them.
  16. would like to swap a air arms s410 in 22, in vgc. for a pcp multi shot in 177. or would sell for £475 or very near offer. face to face.. im in tamworth staffs.
  17. shot this rabbit on monday night, have never seen teeth so big in a rabbit. does any one no why they have grown like that, suprised it could even eat.
  18. how much do you charge for the sticks, and could you do me one with a patterdale or a ferret.
  19. i shoot and ferret 10 places within 2 mile of me, and there is badgers sets on all of them. can walk wright up to them at night when shooting, to with in 10 yards. one of the farmers said they have see 23 in the field all together playing , they just no there safe at moment. still think there can spread mixy from farm to farm.
  20. got a air arms s410 in 22 looking to swap for a 177. its in vgc. im in tamworth staffs.
  21. got a s410 carbine in 22 to sell vgc
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