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Everything posted by jocky

  1. what oz is the net, what poles are on it and is it in basket. and can you post please.
  2. air arms s410 carbine in 177 . pre anit tamper with weaver 4-16 x42 scope. in good condition. shoots pellet on pellet. £350 posted. pay pal as gift.
  3. PRICE DROP,,,for sale. bushnell 4-12 x50 scope with IR in red and green, and range finder at bottom. with weaver mounts. iv very good condition. £ posted.
  4. have a s410k in 177 pre anti tamper, good condition, £350 posted
  5. going out weekend see what there like. still got loads to do, just not had the time to do them. just got another farm on wednesday. so need to show my face there.
  6. i use a tray with this wood cat litter in. clean shit out of it every day, and then wipe pen round. clean there run out about every 2 weeks. run is 8x4/
  7. hi dave. if you look in the wanted section there are some pics on there. sent some to CTCTERRIER. who was looking for a pcp multishot...its in good conditon, and is about 8 year old, but as been serviced by air arms about 3 year ago. shoots pellet on pellet.
  8. got a s410 carbin in 177 with scope, no silencer, pre anti tamper, shots pellet on pellet at 36 yards, £350 posted.
  9. could be mink or rats in them, i done some by a stream last year, and ferret came face to face with a mink, tuck a long time to stop the bleeding from her head.
  10. nice fish, but think you should be useing barbles hooks, or hit them sooner, with the looks of the blood they have been deep hooked, but well done . were they from. us to do alot of pikeing , used to go to bala about twice a month and bivvy up.
  11. got a air arms s410 carbine in177 pre anti tamper, with a weaver classic 4-16 x42 realtree scope. no silencer. £350 posted. payment by paypal.
  12. no its not marked on the gun. thinh i will fill to 200 to be on safe side then. many thanks.
  13. just got a daystate x2 in 177, could any one tell me what bar to fill to please.
  14. thanks ghillies, got some aa, tryed them in the garden and seemed very good, so will stick with them for now. many thanks.
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