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Everything posted by jocky

  1. How much do you think I should charge my 22 year old son for board. do you think £60 a week is ok. he his 22 and brings home about £200/£250 per week. I was paying £30 per week 23 years ago before I moved out.
  2. talking about birds. as any one seen any bullfintches about. used to be loads round by me when i was younger.not ssen any for years now.
  3. i got cameras in 6 boxes, got a robins a great tit and a blue tit with nests.
  4. dosthill diving center tamworth staffs.
  5. was told if you rub it with a piece of tin foil it will remove the rust.
  6. Can any one tell me if there was a limit on the power of air rifles in the 60s, like sub 12lb. as my dad used to shoot a old bsa air sporter in 22. with nice small open sights. and used it kill a lot of rabbits and hares ect from a far distance with it.
  7. would be intrested in the air max scope if you do sell it please mac.
  8. I got a s410 classic in 177, and a s410 carb in 22 and never had a prob with any of them. that was one of the reasons I got them as they have the barrel bands on.
  9. try oxtail cuppa soup for the stock gravy in your pies.
  10. jocky

    Shite On Tv

    there sod all on any good.
  11. well done, let use no how you get on with the pigeons.
  12. I think Jairon should join the team.
  13. there a meter, but I cut mine down to 32". don't cut them down to short or they will keep falling in the basket.
  14. does any one keep any bees at there allotment.
  15. used to use the traditional but now use the quick sets in baskets, a lot quicker.
  16. can you not go and shoot a few with a pcp , just to keep them happy. then ferret them say October.
  17. you should always and only use dried air. ether from a dive bottle or a hand pump with a filter on. if you use any other your gun will start rusting inside. what do you normly fill up with.
  18. dont think i got a week left. going to get flu jab later in year
  19. at least its just not me thats got it.
  20. As any one had this cold/flu virus thats going round, i started with it last saturday and still feel shit. got head pains cough all my bones hurt got no energy dont feel like eating, wheni do eat or have a cuppa i cant tast it.
  21. yes I kept mine together when they had young and was ok
  22. whats wrong with the HP mushroom
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