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Everything posted by jocky

  1. My runner beans have done very well this year. having beans up to 15" long and not stringy. had all my seeds from Premier seeds direct. will be getting them from there next time. they have all done very well.
  2. 6 are in freezer other two in slow cooker with garlic and chicken oxo. will be making rabbit and leek pie tomorrow.
  3. Just had a quick hour out with the s410 classic in 177. left house at 8.20pm back home for 9.30pm only 5 min from were i live. small stables , tuck 8 rabbits for 10 shoots. seen about 30/35 but would not sit for long. will give them another go at end of week.
  4. Hows every ones runner beans doing this year, mine have done well. but alot i have spoken to have done no good with them.
  5. do my ford ranger with budget insurance, £245.03 fully comp
  6. is it the waterproof type for out doors. and were in staffordshire are you. i use 12mm ply for making my bee hives.
  7. my mates jill as eaten 2 of her kitts last night, there 6 weeks old now.
  8. What is the quickest you have ever court a mole. was setting some traps the other day. put first trap down then move on to put second trap down, looked round to first trap that had gone off. lifted trap and mole in it, so court mole in about 30 seconds.
  9. well done, cant stand magpies love shooting them.
  10. what about when HMRC dip your tank.
  11. bala lake in wales, used to go there allot fishing, used to go about 5 or 6 times a year, bivvy up fishing. great views and great walks. was going to sell up and move there at one time.
  12. think thats what it will be mate. tell her to try the foam freshner think its that 2001 stuff. i get it from asda by the dog/pet food.
  13. have you been using that sake and vac stuff on the carpet. i used it and both dogs had a rash on there belly and fanny. never used it since.
  14. i had one when i was a kid as well, and my dad had the air sporter. i gave it away, try to get it back but they want part with it as they shoot the pigeions on there garden with it.
  15. jocky


    not seen or heard any for about 4 years now.
  16. only ever use shooting sticks, the two stick type as you can open them with one hand. cant see the point lying in cow horse shit or on wet ground.
  17. never lost one yet. if cant find them with ferret finder or there to deep, will leave a live catch rat/mink cage out side of last hole i seen them at. and put some rabbit liver in it. then keep going back each day. do that about two years ago and it tuck 3 days to catch her. think she had to eat her way out, she was fat and no worse for wear.
  18. my beans are ok , but the fukking pigions keep have in a go at my coli, one sat there yesterday right by the carry bags i put up to keep them off. shame really as he ended up in ferret pen with a .22 in side of his head.
  19. they have about wiped the water voles out. shoot a right and left ones, had just shoot a goose that droped on the far side of the river and two mink ran straight out to it from under a bush. one of them days you will never forget.
  20. he thinks he should not pay any, as his mates don't pay any. some times he helps around the house garden ect, but not often.
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