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Everything posted by mooney1

  1. can,t wait to do a bit of mooching pal but she only had her first jab on friday.
  2. one of my bitches took one off i let it heal for a good while had no problem since
  3. I've got same breed 4 month old lovely 18 tts try to get pics up later
  4. Nice pup j dog is he 3/4 sal 1/4 grey, looks quick?
  5. Two nice looking pups there lads what's their breeding and age etc
  6. I know what you mean by that pal , but the dog is not in a pack.I want to form a good relationship with her so she is not frightend but knows who the boss is. and I don't think beating a dog is the answer
  7. I've never measured em mate..i will measure and weigh them in the morning,have a look back on this thread tomorrow fella and the info will be on :victory:will do pal thanks
  8. like the look of him pal what height is he at 15 weeks ? the black and tan one.
  9. Leather the living shit out of the wee c**t thanks for the reply pal, but i dont think thats the right remedy somehow.
  10. you say its down to the owner ,i can assure you it is not, i have never had this problem before and i have had dogs a long time,i have only had the dog 5 days maybe the breeder did something that caused this. i dont know.
  11. Thanks for all the replys lads I am trying hand feeding for a while see how it goes.
  12. yes pal it is three quater saluki quater greyhound
  13. just need a bit of advise is it normal for a fifteen week old pup to growl if you put your hand near its dish, had dogs for a fair few years and never come across this with any of my dogs.
  14. yes they did pal , litter of salukis and litter of sal /grey all nice healthy pups
  15. just wonderd has any body on hear bought a saluki pup from rotherham south yorkshire
  16. really nice looking pups pal,and from a very good breeding,is the mother doing the job?
  17. thanks for replys lads .jcm which dog is buddy ?
  18. always get one thick twat
  19. looking for a salukie x greyhound stud dog to put to my small bitch her breeding is salukie greyhound whippit collie x .whippet greyhound she stands at 20inch but a very good little bitch. thanks mooney thats the bitch in my aviater
  20. is the battery pack still for sale pal and what is your best price posted thanks mooney
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