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all things lead

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Everything posted by all things lead

  1. Hi Night Hunter, Which model Foxpro do you use and which sounds? Do you use sequences or individual sounds ATL
  2. Sounds like the fox call, if its the same one works very well for me also
  3. Hi undisputed, Would it by any chance be the Fox Call? ATL
  4. Hi Guys, Just want to know your opinions on electronic fox callers? Worth the money? Are they effective? Electronic vs manual calls.........which ones preferred or more effective Do the American designed callers like the Foxpro work well in this country or do you stick to the native callers like the Ucaller? Just interested in what others opinions are Cheers ATL
  5. Hey dave1372, I use an ATN NVM-14 CGTI add on on my .223, recognition range with a suitable illuminator is 300yds+. Have had charlie at 250yds good enough for me!, well worth the money. Any one fancy a look, and if your in the South Wales area give me a shout would be more than happy to give a demo. ATL
  6. Hey dicehorn, Must be Very good Gen 3+ or even 4 too see that far out. You say you had to wait 3 years! to see that distance must have cost you thousands and no green hue must be the new technology that doesn't use the phosphor screens?? Would be interesting to find out what manufacturer make it is? ATL
  7. For lamping i will use about 8x usually. N/V will be - it depends. It depends what sort of N/V you have. The more you turn up the mag the less clearer the image is at distance. On mine which attaches to the eye piece of my scope (unavailable in the UK) it is still clear at 200 yds on 7x but for best results out to 300 yds I turn it down to 5.5x Hi dicehorn, What NV are you using to see to 300yds? ATL
  8. Hi Guys, Just wanted to say hello and congratulate you on having such an informative and dedicated site for like minded people. I'm from South Wales and look forward to posting and learning a bit off some of the experts who post Regards ATL
  9. Hey Sharpshooter, Depending on what scope you are using and NV Monocular the accepted Mag is 10x With regards to lamping dont really know as i only use NV but i would suggest for max light transmission i guess about the same? ATL
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