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Cupid Stunt

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Everything posted by Cupid Stunt

  1. She had a fairly good strike rate & was near enough top grade although the standard of runner is not that good in respect to other tracks. She was an out & out sprinter. Crayford is a nasty little track, very small circumference & no banking on the bends.
  2. I take it you don't eat any of the bear flesh then? I've always fancied trying a bear stew,steak etc after reading about it in some books i bought years ago, produced by the North American Hunting Club.
  3. You have to stick with what you wrote Never heard him called that but he is a big bloke, assuming its the same person.
  4. There are going to be a couple of unhappy bookies who priced up the gold medal/world record double at 16/1 & took plenty of bets on it.
  5. Do a search on here, you will find all the info you need.
  6. I'm a life long Arsenal supporter & would love them to prove me wrong but i can't see them getting near Man U or Chelsea this season, things will have to go very wrong for those two. Sure, Arsenal play some great football but i can't see them grinding out a result too often if things aren't going all their own way & i think they spurn far too many chances in front of goal.
  7. It is highly likely that if you give them a few spoonfuls around one to five hours before running the dog will run below par. If the dogs body has an excess of something it will reduce the ammount available, after a few hours of having glucose the dogs blood sugar level will fall below what it should be & the dog will feel lethargic. I suppose a very small ammount wouldn't make much difference but i wouldn't be certain of it.
  8. Different class. Its a good job though that it was Michael Johnson that came out with the line "There's nobody out there, there maybe someone out there in the jungle somewhere that can compete with him"
  9. Given about an hour before a race it will give the dog a definate boost but longer, up to around five hours then it will take the edge off of the dog.
  10. This is the site you want for Bigfoot research http://www.bfro.net/
  11. Flapping would be far the better option especially for a beginner, less silly rules & general stuffiness. I don't know what your local track would be but there are a couple in Durham & one in Northumberland that i can think of. Get along to them & even better if you can get someone to show you the ropes before you get your dogs. Personally the last thing i would do is buy a racer & then give it to a trainer to run, wouldn't be nowhere near as much fun.
  12. That's why i wrote "as a whole" meaning overall & not one specific track. There are still some very slow & cheap dogs bought over for the sales at Swansea & Highgate that would really struggle to grade for BAGS racing even. Its still a bit rough to buy a half decent grader & run for £20 win money though & if you like to have a bet have to with bookies that bet to ridiculous overrounds especially if you run your dogs that are trying every time. What do the bookies at Gretna bet to & have they altered the drop for the sprint trip? it seems the only negative about the t
  13. Cupid Stunt

    UFC 87

    You've pretty much summed it up With his size & power i can't see Lesnar getting beat unless he takes on one of the top submission boys before learning a whole lot more about the game. I enjoyed the Kenny Florian vs Roger Huerta fight as well. Even though its an old un i still have to laugh at the classic Heath Herring clip name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="344"></embed></object
  14. So the Angling Times/Mail & thosands of angling websites only have photos of record fish do they? No of course they don't, instead they have them from members who like to contribute with personal bests or just to illustrate having an enjoyable session. Your attempts at justification are getting more & more laughable, best just to stick with the whinge of "its the rules"
  15. That is what you idiots don't understand, nobody is trying to prove anything by posting them. How many books or magazines have articles with a photo or two to accompany them to add something extra? You know the answer is plenty
  16. They should do rather than for posting photographs of dead rabbits.
  17. Well obviously not but not everyone has dogs to run only in Group1 comps & strokes are pulled to beat the grader which doesn't apply to Open races. That said even Eric J tried to use a 'jockey' at times & enter Mickey under a different name to try & get a bet on, the same goes for the likes of Lister & Booth to name but two of the great dog men. A few of the tight little tracks both flaps & ngrc are places where a good grader can beat an open racer.
  18. It makes no difference whether its handicaps or level breaks there will be just as many folk trying to pull a stroke. A good percentage of ngrc trainers learnt the game on the flaps.
  19. With the ngrc there are lots more rules & regulations giving you less control over the running of your dog. Both have good & bad points & really depends on a persons time constraints, budget etc. As a rule ngrc track shape & surfaces are much better than flapping tracks, the same goes for other track facilities. Graded wise the flapping dogs are lower as a whole but the top open race dogs that can win countrywide can compete with ngrc dogs no problem. Flapping is far easier to get into, just turn up on a trial day & get your dog graded. Just make sure its had plenty of r
  20. It's much easier when you know exactly where they will be heading for or they only have short legs Trying to get a few action pics gives you even more appreciation for the quality of those the likes of pan handle take when out ferreting.
  21. where do you get your info tote??? my greyhound has the ear mark eup4 an a cant find info on her either....she is silver in colour an a think the name inkerman was in her "real" name...cheers Try here,- http://www.ngrc.org.uk/ Give them a ring,they should be able to help. Silver, has someone painted her. Seriously,what colour is she mate? I would hazard a guess that she is blue.
  22. Try here http://greyhound-data.com/earmark.htm?z=6L4qcb
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