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Everything posted by earth-thrower

  1. & I don't want to be differing with the modern 'experts' anymore,..just get my 'fingers burned' , again ! ???
  2. Aye, they come back into them alright,...a can't set the traps they way I want, when runs 'burns' full flow,...but as you say,...you can still catch, some of the time.
  3. Back out for at least a day, with no rain forecast. Playing with my latest, mole spud (can't resist a bit of kit), see how it holds up,..
  4. Our regions got to be in contention, for having the most consistent rainfall, over the whole of the UK !
  5. It's just getting the heavy rain to cease here ! had one gap for half a day, & traps out , & caught in 75% of them,..rest not even touched, cause deluged with rain in no time, again ?,...I find local, if we get a week or two dry (rare),..we always pay for it with two or three weeks of constant rain, afterwards ??
  6. I do understand you, (don't get me wrong),...but my attitude nowadays is , when I set a trap I want a mole in it (a won't f..k about on flooded ground, where I might get 4 or 5 out of 12, say) ,..I average 1 miss out of a dozen set, in good conditions (roughly 3 trap types)) or rarely (now) no catch , cause mole didn't come too it....& it's important , cause on foot I get nowhere near the amount set ,...say that you would, for example ? (in a day) ?,...& price per mole, & all that (I was never the fastest at laying a trap either ?, compared too some, I reckon ? ....always took my t
  7. I agree with that approach, mate, & excellent advice, too ?
  8. A don't know, your average rainfall, where your working, but here in the West of Scotland,...its just not practical , on saturated ground, which is often.....too many misses, when the ground floods,...even on hillsides, traps getting sprung premature with water & debris,etc (barrels,...mines are set 'fine')...far more productive for me too wait, for it easing, & drying up a bit
  9. I can't justify my own (financially), (not on moles alone, here, anyway) & the trailer & a suitable vehicle to tow it, to be honest ....never mind reasonably secure storage, etc,...
  10. I'm on foot, & f....d to be honest, carrying all the gear, etc...I'm 52 now, & starting to feel it !
  11. Same as you two, lately. Can't believe it,.. good run of dry weather, & unusually mild up here.
  12. ive been reliably informed, some farmers up here , grant shooting permission, to multiple gun owners,...& heard this is not uncommon. So as a result, some are arguing over ground, & falling out, etc, up here, currently.......a dont have much time for the 'midnight cowboys' , personally (even though a know most of them quite well, now, locally)
  13. Is that a photo, of your good self, in them there, 'Katch' ? ?
  14. a just bought a pair of "Fortis" leggings, there,.......good kit, but pricey ! (well for me,....lol)
  15. Aye, & theres a saying, local,..."if your waiting on a dry day to do something, youll be waiting forever, here !"
  16. Can be a test, alright, in them conditions, mate,....I find it can effect results too (obviously),....can end up a 'mud bath', sometimes ?,....older I get now, my tolerance goes, & I wait till rain clears up a bit !
  17. Aye, that's true. I also feel its at the point , there's more than enough UK, mole trappers, now, (& they have more than filled any void, of the previous main method , of poisoning, etc),......any folk, overly keen to offer 'training courses, etc & maybe suggesting otherwise, are definitely only thinking of the potential easy ££££££s, for themselves, nothing more,....
  18. Know a moleman not far from me, did, although, never had a conversation, regarding, how much work it generated for him. Ive never advertised , always canvassed for my own jobs,etc, then , obviously 'word of mouth'. (never know though, i might have to advertise, in future, if things change, etc ?) When i started way back, i couldnt get the volume of work, i wanted, as a trapper, cause the strychnine boys, had it all,......so it ended up a, sideline,....until, the 'white stuff' got withdrawn 2006, then there was scope here, to come back full time, trapping. I was the ONLY mole trapper
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