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Everything posted by earth-thrower

  1. You see, that, is part of the problem.... Molecatching, using the humble trap developed by Mr Duffus, has only been around since 1922. Hardly an 'ancient art'... Is molecatching an art? I don't think so. It's a skill, honed with experience and helped by instinct. An art? No. I also object (admittedly because I'm a grumpy old git) to people forking out money to take a short cut to learning how to do it. When I started out, back as a schoolboy, it was with scissor traps. Like most trappers of that time, I had to learn which runs to trap, how to place that trap, and how t
  2. I can't speak for the US situation, but nothing could be further from the truth here in the UK. There are more people than ever trapping moles, and quite a few who make a living from it. The 'myth' that molecatching is a dying art still persists here, and some see it as an easy buck. The situation has not been helped by certain self proclaimed celebrities running courses and giving anyone with a spare £100 the impression that it's a romantic and easy living that's waiting for them. When strychnine was on it's way out, one of the reasons used to defend it was that there was a short
  3. Your quite right ! hope it works out for you 'perthshire'. I wont go below £10 per mole,on farms,but i have a situation at the moment, where theres this one silage field (only)to be done over the whole place.It sits higher than the surrounding ground,which is only scrub,and rough grazing.Its less than an acre,and i have had about nine moles ,off it.Now ,what with the excessive rainfall( and other factors),that we have had up here,i fully expect other moles,to keep trickling in,over the coming months! so im just currently thinking about what its going to cost him,to keep this relatively sm
  4. Your quite right ! hope it works out for you 'perthshire'.
  5. Look ,we are probably all getting fed up with this now.So if it makes you happy,i will tell you what you want to hear, your right ,and im wrong,and i know feck all...............LOL So in the meantime ( you being the owner and all) you should get out on the job more,instead of sitting in the office all day ! ......ha-ha-ha. (only joking)
  6. This line is a classic ! " But on the right site,in the right conditions it is a one time,go home and forget it treatment and as such it can be cost effective ! " " i did the course about 2.5 years ago, blah blah, I HAVE HAD LITTLE CAUSE TO USE THE STUFF EITHER BEFORE OR SINCE. "
  7. This line is a classic ! " But on the right site,in the right conditions it is a one time,go home and forget it treatment and as such it can be cost effective ! "
  8. The point is your banging on about how " cost effective " and "efficient" the gas is, for the right situation,etc.But ive actually learned from a previous post of yours,that you DONT actually have ANY EXPERIENCE with it ! In fact its that useful to you,that you actually employ a MOLE TRAPPER.Whats up ? are you just repeating,some of the crap you heard from the instructor,on the course.Cause alot of us Know better.......................LOL
  9. Some more interesting points,from Walshie here,that perhaps, you may want to digest further. LOL
  10. Do you do this for fun, are you suggesting you charge less than the cost of a flask of Phostoxin or Talunex per site visit? I run a business, not a charity. I don't give a hoot if you agree or not, I am simply amazed at the narrow minded view here, this is another option, it works and it is cost effective on the right site. I look at each job and access the best overall way forward, I do not write off any possible treatment out of hand, if that means using Phostoxin so be it. If you don't want to use it then don't, have I ever told you to? I'm not sure what your agenda is here but
  11. You are of course very welcome to your opinion and your experiences, as I said, it is another tool and can be effective in cost and usage over more traditional methods. Whilst it remains available it will continue to be an option if best suited for any site I find. Legislation is making that harder to justify, and so is the weather at the moment! Even the need to use a whole flask on a manicured garden lawn is a cheaper option than a second site visit, and using that much will work! You and anyone else can use what you like, that doesn't mean it hasn't got a place. " Even t
  12. You are of course very welcome to your opinion and your experiences, as I said, it is another tool and can be effective in cost and usage over more traditional methods. Whilst it remains available it will continue to be an option if best suited for any site I find. Legislation is making that harder to justify, and so is the weather at the moment! Even the need to use a whole flask on a manicured garden lawn is a cheaper option than a second site visit, and using that much will work! You and anyone else can use what you like, that doesn't mean it hasn't got a place. " Even t
  13. Well said, Matt. (dont think anyone could have expressed it better !)
  14. Interesting trap mate.just wondered how the capture rate would compare,to lets say,a duffus ? Or would it all depend on whos setting them ? LOL
  15. " £1 A mole " Id have thought any stragglers, would have been more aware,nowadays.The days of selling yourself short,i thought, were over...............
  16. Another farmer stored, half a dozen phostoxin flasks,on the top shelf, of a kitchen cupboard !
  17. "control/transport/storage/use of phostoxin/talunex can also be a big issue " interesting point there, reminds me of the farmer, carrying around a couple of flasks,in the FOOTWELL of his tractor ! I remember him stopping and saying, " ive got this stuff ,for moles" he then produced a well dented flask, and says "oh, i must have crushed this one with the foot pedal !!! " unbelievable...............
  18. But on the right site, in the right conditions it is a one time, go home and forget it treatment and as such it can be cost effective! ...and I'm sure with a little more thought they could have made one applicator to deal with both, (but that's business I guess) I only use Phostoxin, it does what I want when I need it. Genuinely, no disrespect , but youve just revealed all i need to know..........(and i apologise for my last post !) I rest my case.............. Hold on ...........you dont happen to be an MD ,of a commercial pest control co, are you ? ( Im sorry mate
  19. Genuinely, no disrespect , but youve just revealed all i need to know..........(and i apologise for my last post !) I rest my case.............. Hold on ...........you dont happen to be an MD ,of a commercial pest control co, are you ? ( Im sorry mate ,im just being an arse now ! ) lol
  20. Genuinely, no disrespect , but youve just revealed all i need to know..........(and i apologise for my last post !) I rest my case..............
  21. By ' doing it right ' whats your approach ? emptying half a flask of phostoxin,per mole.Or maybe a full flask ! If i tell a farmer,i can do his moles with either gas or traps,no prizes for guessing,what methods going to work out better ,price wise ,for him....... Oh dear, which part of my post did you find confusing? Forgive me mate,but the first sentence of your post,was only, " stating the obvious "...........(hardly worth saying !) Funny , and here was me thinking , it was YOU that didnt fully understand..........(just didnt want to be rude !) lol Im sure some of the me
  22. By ' doing it right ' whats your approach ? emptying half a flask of phostoxin,per mole.Or maybe a full flask ! If i tell a farmer,i can do his moles with either gas or traps,no prizes for guessing,what methods going to work out better ,price wise ,for him....... Oh dear, which part of my post did you find confusing? Forgive me mate,but the first sentence of your post,was only, " stating the obvious "...........(hardly worth saying !) Funny , and here was me thinking , it was YOU that didnt fully understand..........(just didnt want to be rude !) lol
  23. By ' doing it right ' whats your approach ? emptying half a flask of phostoxin,per mole.Or maybe a full flask ! If i tell a farmer,i can do his moles with either gas or traps,no prizes for guessing,what methods going to work out better ,price wise ,for him.......
  24. By ' doing it right ' whats your approach ? emptying half a flask of phostoxin,per mole.Or maybe a full flask !
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