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Everything posted by earth-thrower

  1. Its really up to the individual , to decide which they get on better with,and then eventually,prefer.
  2. Your not wrong Bry ! and a man of your capabilities,could try it out,as an experiment,im sure.
  3. I agree about Cash, and alot of what you said,also reminds me of Neil Young.........
  4. Wow,never seen this before ! You wouldnt happen to know ,a little about this and the loops history,would you ? Over what period, they were manufactured,for example ?
  5. Yes, thats the one. (top photo)I never actually bought it at the time,cause i wasnt going to get much change,out of a tenner,for a single trap ! Wonder who manufactured them,cause as i said before,they were well made.Thanks for the photos.
  6. He also made a double loop like the Duffus but the top was flat and not curved OTC I never knew that mate,thats interesting.
  7. Fenn used to make a mole trap, called the 'loop' type.Read about it in a book,and seen a photo of it.Anyone ever had them,or used them ? Always fancied trying one, but i believe theyve been out of production,a long time,now.
  8. Aye,ah no, LOL Who can do a nice neat job,with the hacksaw then ? LOL
  9. I think the 'duffus' design, has proven to be extremely effective,as a mole trap.For me , it is probably the most versatile,also.However, ideally i would like the trap length,to be shorter.........( but i wouldnt even know ,if this would be possible ! lol )Even a single catch trap,based on this type,i could tolerate.As long as it was reduced in length !
  10. Ahhh...That old 'chestnut'. Foxes mainly take field voles....and badgers worms.....LOL.But their also very capable, of exploiting a wide range of food sources,within their territories.
  11. I picked a barrel up once,in an agri,merchants.It was in a fancy box,with instructions.I believe they were made exclusively,for ' George Wilkinson (Burnley) ltd ' .It was the most robust,and well made duffus type,ive ever come across.
  12. Well done,that man ! I mentioned you recently on here , about that " big un " you caught,a good while back.
  13. Hey Perthshire,will you send me fifty of those,in the photo ? ( that will be me sorted for life !! ) LOL I dont doubt their effectiveness , ( in the right hands ) but im slow enough setting a duffus,never mind one of them ! ( ha-ha) However, i dont miss many moles,these days !!
  14. Hey Perthshire,will you send me fifty of those,in the photo ? ( that will be me sorted for life !! ) LOL
  15. Thanks for the compliment; but I have no commercial interest in selling mole traps these days. I would however, like a trap that is fit for purpose, which I think is what is currently missing from the UK market. If other trappers want to get involved then so much the better I can't imagine that any manufacturer is going to enter into serious re-tooling for the sake of selling me a few traps every year to top up my stocks. It would need a few of us together who were prepared to commit to buying a sufficient number to make it worthwhile. I'll have a word with them later this week and re
  16. Forgot to add, if you were indeed to become involved, in the production of a possible ' improved type of barrel mole trap ' ,i have every confidence you could do better,than " Jeff Nicholls " somewhat disappointing efforts, so far. (ha-ha)
  17. Thanks for clarifying.I spoke to a guy on the phone ,before ordering.He was aware of the odd customer or two , id recommended the traps too,initially.As a result ,he chucked in a few extra traps, free of charge ! lol So i thought i may have been passed some ,which were going to be rejected ,anyway ! But, i should have got back to him,anyhow.Dont know if its of any relevance, but i remember him mentioning,that a previous employee of F P,was now currently working for them !
  18. Exactly the same,Darcy. ( in almost twenty years ! ) But im certainly not setting the amount,some are,these days. LOL
  19. Thats not a bad idea Matt,as regards approaching F P,about a possible new project ! As far as " tuning" is concerned, are F P as pliable for adjusting,compared to a bethel ? (just in case i have to purchase,as an alternative) ?
  20. Someone mentioned previous about bethel rhodes barrels, not being to the usual standard. ( Matt i believe ) I bought a box (small quantity) last year,and noticed this,also.Now, has anybody who has been a buyer of these,long term,and aquired some recently ( this year ), know if this has now been addressed,by the manufacturer ,or not ?
  21. You should have that one for tea tonight then,Moxy. ha-ha
  22. Well done,mate. (just noticed this one !)
  23. Nice one mate, there was a member on here called ' Swansea jack ' , ( if i remember correctly ! ) He also was lucky enough, to catch a ' big un ' !
  24. Congratulations mate, i knew it was only a matter of time ! ( ha-ha )
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