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Everything posted by earth-thrower

  1. Have you lost the trap or can't find the trap site? I ask because last week I thought I'd lost a Putange, but then realised that the peg I'd put in to secure it was laid in the tunnel. I excavated a foot or so down the tunnel and found the trap attached to the scraper of a dead mole. I hadn't pegged it down securely enough and the mole had been able to drag it away before dying. It was the first time I'd caught a mole by the scraper using a Putange. Normally they crack the skull or neck. Lost the trap,mate.Bloody sheep & lambs, everywhere,thats what caused it. lol Hills well scattere
  2. " ultimate " spade,..lol....i wont be claiming that,either. lol
  3. I know what you lads mean about losing traps ? Ive lost my first 'trapline' , lol Whos got a metal detector , then ? I dont put out as many traps as some, so im usually ok,at recovering them. (if it would have been a half-barrel,i would have got it) lol
  4. Funny enough, they are,...if we mean the same thing ?
  5. Ive used 3 or 4 different tools,over the years,modified at least 3 of them.None of them were 'ideal',in the end.Its probably unlikely,that i will ever have something,thats going to be absolutely 'perfect' for the job ? lol
  6. Aye, ive heard about the other guy, too. Was there not a 'small book' out about him,also ?
  7. This kind of reminds me of " Arthur Randell ", in the 'old days',...lol (im sure you know who im talking about ?) lol i do some of the farms that he did back in the day Really mate, thats interesting.Must give you kind of a 'good feeling',being aware of that,perhaps ?
  8. well, im testing it,mate.see how it goes,..early days,....lol The main concerns, with any 'mole spade' , is getting the 'sizes' right ? lol And strength when cutting out/digging down for deeper runs. Would like to see the end results, just in case you have "the best product" ever Have fun Ha ha, i like that first sentence,thats the next most important,point ! lol " best product ever " , you certainly wont hear me say that !,...lol (even if i came close) ha ha ha Even if i just end up with a prototype, or two,for myself in the end.I will stick a picture up.But it
  9. This kind of reminds me of " Arthur Randell ", in the 'old days',...lol (im sure you know who im talking about ?) lol
  10. "There can be no perfect spade to suit every mole trapper", i would agree with you,there.
  11. well, im testing it,mate.see how it goes,..early days,....lol The main concerns, with any 'mole spade' , is getting the 'sizes' right ? lol And strength when cutting out/digging down for deeper runs. Would like to see the end results, just in case you have "the best product" ever Have fun Ha ha, i like that first sentence,thats the next most important,point ! lol " best product ever " , you certainly wont hear me say that !,...lol (even if i came close) ha ha ha
  12. well, im testing it,mate.see how it goes,..early days,....lol The main concerns, with any 'mole spade' , is getting the 'sizes' right ? lol
  13. Think i will just make it clear now,as well.My motivation for doing it, was to get a 'mole spade' made to the dimensions,that suits me.If anybody thinks its to 'make money', then your mistaken,...lol,....cause there aint alot of money to be made, anyhow, lol. (for anybody) I wasnt even considering 'myself' as the person,who would be selling them (if you know what i mean ?) either,...lol I dont want to try and 'custom' or make/modify,something myself any more.I want 'tools' available,ready to use,and fit for purpose,straight off the shelf,so to speak.
  14. that describes me quite well some days... it want ment to offend That cheeky c*nt is a kind cheeky c*nt because he made me one too Probably just me, Moxy.I can be a bit 'sensitive',....LOL
  15. Thats the thing mate, i wanted something that primarily suits what i want ? Although, i didnt consult widely on it, i did take on board, a couple of points,one or two others put to me.It really doesnt matter to me too much,in the end, but if others did like it, there could be a possibility of making it available ?
  16. There will be pictures, IF there is something realistically ,thats going to be available,...Even though you come across as a "cheeky c...", fair play, for making your own.
  17. "it means nothing without pictures" ? Is that meant to be a smart-ass,comment ?,.....well, heres a smart-ass response then.What youve done yourself there,is what im trying to avoid having to do, myself ? lol
  18. I thought some of you might be interested to know,ive been busy with a project,trying to get a 'new' molecatchers spade,made.Its taken a while, but i have just received the 'prototype'.I will have to test it now,in the field,see if its going to be suitable,and durable enough, for the job.Its still early days,and NOTHINGS FINALISED,...lol....but the idea is, to have a 'spade' ready to use.Rather, than having to 'modify' some other 'tool', perhaps ? (which i have had to do,over the years)
  19. Depends on the individual.If your keen,check them the next day.Particularly, if its a 'single catch' type trap.You can see,if its went off,or not.With the half-barrel,your better leaving it longer,than this.Especially, this time of year ?,.....lol
  20. I still feel the 'duffus type',is the best.But accept, its a matter of personal preference,these days.
  21. Dont ! lol,....you use the 'duffus', dont you ? & the 'trapline', and i take it you have a few 'talpex' ? ,.....sounds like youve got everything you need, then,.......lol
  22. Things arent getting any easier, in this game, either. For example, a molecatchers turned up in my 'neck of the woods',last couple of years.Got his own quad,hes only looking for about £300 !!, for a six day week,at it.Full time hours !
  23. I know the feeling,...lol -----------------------Always work 2 steps ahead when it comes to dealing with the farming community, it'll save you getting ripped off. I must admit, some are not bad with me. I want £10 a moley,usually.Some would rather pay a fiver ! lol I dont consider it, unless im going to be into 'big numbers'. lol Oh, and im still 'skint', by the way,......lol
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