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Everything posted by earth-thrower

  1. Cheers bud,..When your forwarding drawings (basic in my case ! lol) , specifications, sizes,etc,.....its easy to miss the odd detail out,...(as i did) lol Also , im not that 'technical', so cause i wasnt that familiar, i left it up to those who made them, as far as how long the 'sockets' where ? how they where attached, etc,.....but overall, they are definately 'fit for purpose', (in my opinion) but im certainly not going to claim, they are 'perfect',....lol Both, are well made and durable, though.
  2. Thanks mate,.... that wee one is really light, for carrying, but strong. The bigger one i thought it might be a good idea to have the "blade" (spade head), and 'probe' combined as the one tool ? lol The shorter length of the wee one, is also handy for those who like to 'kneel', when digging out a 'turf plug' ,to place a trap.
  3. Heres a couple of 'moling spades' i got made. The wee ones a 'prototype' made by a crowd, that make 'garden tools'. The others made by a proper traditional blacksmith.Think, thats me sorted out now, as far as having a suitable 'mole spud' for the job,is concerned,.....lol
  4. To the last two contributers, your approach makes sense,in the circumstances,...
  5. And the worst thing is finding a double sprung, soil filled Duffus as soon as you get there Especially, if your the type (like me), who prefers to only set one trap, for what you think, may be one mole ? ha ha In my garden or in friend's gardens I do just that. I'm sure that there is only one mole as I've already cleared them out, and I have so much faith in Putanges that I'll just pop in a pair and collect the body next day. But in client's gardens I can never be sure. One example produced a single mole twice, around a year apart, then thirteen next time around. Farmer next door
  6. And the worst thing is finding a double sprung, soil filled Duffus as soon as you get there Especially, if your the type (like me), who prefers to only set one trap, for what you think, may be one mole ? ha ha
  7. LOL,...the only thing is, but,...'no mole,no fee' ! (if you want to adhere,to the principal ?)
  8. i remember a new job, (while ago now) where the customer came round with me, on the first trap check.As you say, pressure is always on a bit, to produce a capture ? lol Anyway between the size of the area, and the amount of hills (alot), i guessed it might only be the one mole, but i also wouldnt be surprised if it ended up 2 or 3 ? (cause of the amount of activity,mainly) so on this occasion, i put out three sets of traplines,.....so started to pull them up,....nothing, in the first five ! lol Lifted the last,with a mole in it,......big relief there,....ho ho Nothing worse if you get nowt
  9. lol,...poor Matt,..hes just a bit 'misunderstood' sometimes, i think ? lol (although, im sure hes not bothered,..lol) It's too late to try to cover your arse now mate. Your name is on ze list. Nice knowing you. and i hate 'goodbyes', too,...lol
  10. lol,...poor Matt,..hes just a bit 'misunderstood' sometimes, i think ? lol (although, im sure hes not bothered,..lol)
  11. Just thinking, i havent noticed 'Matt' on here, for a while ? Cause i know every single one of you,will be missing him ? ha ha ha (sorry) Well, i am a bit, at least,....lol (maybe hes busy, testing some prototype duffus ?)
  12. Aye, probably. (unfortunately) lol ,....and you can bet, they will be looking for plenty 'volunteers' to assist the 'main team', again ? (feck that,while those at the top,line their pockets !)
  13. Heard folks, are getting concerned about the impact of rats, on the Isle of Rum.(Inner Hebrides).If a cull ever had to be undertaken, some researchers figured it could cost, about £4.6 million !! Im aware the 'logistics' of a task like that, may not be easy,...lol,...but its still a serious amount of money,for any 'outfit' whos fortunate enough, to get it ? lol
  14. Makes a change, from all the usual, 'colour mutations', that one ?
  15. lol, well, if its going to happen, you wont be expecting it,and your bound to get a 'shock', when you pull up the trap ? lol
  16. Good luck to you, mate,and your contact sounds like a 'top bloke'.
  17. Its always interesting,,, hearing how others,go about the job,...I remember a mole catcher once stated (somewhere) lol, nothings 'set in stone' ?
  18. Ha ha , why am i not surprised, at your response,...?
  19. Looks like you have been sent the "standard" size trapline, Nicepix ? The " larger size " trap, SHOULD provide a better outcome, for both you and the mole, lol if you should wish to try them,in the future ?
  20. Its confusing for me anyway ! lol maybe something to do, with the similar titles ?
  21. Aye mate,thats the book about 'Arthur' ,but i think there was a wee book out,about the other guy too,i meant,sorry ? Actually, i think im wrong ? 'the memoirs of a fenland mole catcher' is by Bill 'pop' Bowles,your right,....lol
  22. Aye mate,thats the book about 'Arthur' ,but i think there was a wee book out,about the other guy too,i meant,sorry ?
  23. As you say, its still a nice site, to have them about,at the moment,....lol
  24. i have braided nylon tied on to the back of mine and on to a steel peg i anchor in to the bottom of the tunnel.. sure i will lose one eventualy but not yet Not a bad idea,you have there.I have never used 'markers', if i had, i feel sure i would have had some nicked,....lol But i realise its probably a necessity,when your going to be setting alot of traps, over larger areas ?
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