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Everything posted by earth-thrower

  1. Well, this style of mole trap, seems to be coming increasingly popular, so no doubt, it is effective ?,....& it obviously gives the mole trapper,another option ?,....(but, i wont be using them, myself,...lol)
  2. Thats interesting, cause its not something i would even have contemplated, at any stage,round these parts ? For one simple reason,....lol,,,,because, as far back as im aware,....rabbits have just not been around, in any decent numbers, to even at least consider that, as a possible option ? (sadly) Before my time however, i honestly have no idea,.......lol
  3. A good haul, there,....lol when was the last time, you visited the place ?
  4. Just out of curiosity, in what type of situation, did you catch this one ?
  5. Exactly ?......& i would never pay to shoot rabbits or woodies, myself,.....thats all,....lol
  6. I would not hold your breath, I remembered you telling me how moles came to be on an island in a dual carriageway, I did not know they could travel overland. But this may be giving away a little too much. TC They do get to the strangest of places. I had one on a lump of land I shoot over. 4K acre of steep fell and moorland. Locked in at the foothill by a canal and river ( flood basin inbetween). Various moorland streams cutting their way down the fell on all sides. The old boy had never had a mole in the 65 years he owned the farm and never had one since. My only thought is it hitched
  7. I would not hold your breath, I remembered you telling me how moles came to be on an island in a dual carriageway, I did not know they could travel overland. But this may be giving away a little too much. TC They do get to the strangest of places. I had one on a lump of land I shoot over. 4K acre of steep fell and moorland. Locked in at the foothill by a canal and river ( flood basin inbetween). Various moorland streams cutting their way down the fell on all sides. The old boy had never had a mole in the 65 years he owned the farm and never had one since. My only thought is it hitched
  8. No problem, your welcome to have the last word, on it ? ha ha,....its just my PERSONAL opinion (about mole damage). It can be hard enough graft, to get the 'results' you need to make a real difference, on the ground your on ?,..& if someone wants too make that effort for FREE, then more fool them,...lol Also, your "still" doing the owner/occupier of the land, a great favour, even offering to do the rabbits, or shoot problem vermin, for FREE !,....never mind any 'bartering', over it ? lol You really have to ask yourself, "whos really doing a favour for who, here ?" (im just tryin
  9. Moles are good at finding & travelling along field/land drains too ?(old & new) Often explains a 'cluster' of hills appearing, in a random (or unikely spot) on the field, etc. Also, who knows what ancient travelways were present on areas of land, before it was modified by man, more recently ? Could be old 'seams' underground, or where a long ripped out tree line,dyke, hedgerow etc, once stood, but the moles still find & run there occasionally ?
  10. I fully understand, where your coming from, here ?,...but, seriously ,...dealing with 'mole damage', should NEVER be a 'free service' ! (well, in 99.9 %, of cases, i suppose !,..lol) If any person is removing moles successfully, for any landowner,etc,...for NOTHING !,...they just devalue, THEMSELVES ?
  11. lol,....surprise, surprise !, from America ? (home of the "Rodenator"), says it all,really.
  12. "Er,.yeah,..kinda stating the fecking obvious...",..........exactly,...(i sort of thought,this ?,...but wasnt sure) lol & again Phil, well said,...
  13. No offence. i dont get that second sentence ?,...(im maybe not bright enough !) lol
  14. Well "smithies" got it back up, in full now,...lol
  15. Phil, why did you 'scrub' most of that statement, you made here ?,...Cause it was excellent !,....ive noticed you have the knack, of putting across your feelings on such matters,really well, & that passage largely summed up , what was going wrong,with the current state,of affairs (well, in my view, anyway ! lol),......i strongly agreed, with it all ?,...(Now, can you put it back up, & more importantly, can i print it off & send it to certain figures/representatives of these " molecatching organisations " ?) lol
  16. Interesting stuff,...Ive seen an article or two, on the current mole catcher of the 'Palace of Versailles'. It seems hes establishing a 'mole catchers network', over where you are ? (France). Hes also got his own team,for commercial work, & i think hes interested in a ' National mole catching school ' , as well FFS !,.......So, theres a fair chance 'mole catchers' are soon to be 'ten a penny', in France now (sadly) ?,....just like over here ? Talk about 'jumping on the bandwagon',....lol,....(wonder, where he got the idea, from ?) I've heard rumours that the Chamber of Agricul
  17. "Two moles in my own garden",......?,....not sure about that one ? lol lol,....cause, according to an old 'moleman' i once knew, it would bring "bad luck", killing moles in your OWN garden ?,...ha ha,...(thats if you believe in superstition, of course !) A mole catcher killing the moles,occupying his own garden , that is,........(just to make clear !) lol
  18. "Two moles in my own garden",......?,....not sure about that one ? lol lol,....cause, according to an old 'moleman' i once knew, it would bring "bad luck", killing moles in your OWN garden ?,...ha ha,...(thats if you believe in superstition, of course !)
  19. Cheers, for showing,....looks unusual, a rarity, & collectors item, no doubt ? lol
  20. Interesting stuff,...Ive seen an article or two, on the current mole catcher of the 'Palace of Versailles'. It seems hes establishing a 'mole catchers network', over where you are ? (France). Hes also got his own team,for commercial work, & i think hes interested in a ' National mole catching school ' , as well FFS !,.......So, theres a fair chance 'mole catchers' are soon to be 'ten a penny', in France now (sadly) ?,....just like over here ? Talk about 'jumping on the bandwagon',....lol,....(wonder, where he got the idea, from ?)
  21. Goodness me, ...just found this ! Great work, with the video, very enjoyable,mate. (i can see now, how they were all converted ?,...lol) The "putange" has such a simple design, but seems to work a treat,.& i bet it packs a 'bit of a punch', for what it is, as well ? lol Whoever put out the "no mol", has just ripped it off, surely ?
  22. Goodness me, ...just found this ! Great work, with the video, very enjoyable,mate. (i can see now, how they were all converted ?,...lol) The "putange" has such a simple design, but seems to work a treat,.& i bet it packs a 'bit of a punch', for what it is, as well ? lol
  23. I can well relate to what your saying here, mate. Where i am (west Scotland), has got to be in contention, for being one of the worst parts in the UK, to be a mole catcher ! lol Due to the amount of continuous rainfall,...i now refuse to make any effort,in these conditions ? (as far as im concerned, customers & the moles,can wait,...) Can you send some of that rainfall this way please? The way things are going both 200 hectare lakes will be bone dry by the time the carp season starts. I understand mate,extremes in the weather,can certainly hamper things ?,..
  24. I can well relate to what your saying here, mate. Where i am (west Scotland), has got to be in contention, for being one of the worst parts in the UK, to be a mole catcher ! lol Due to the amount of continuous rainfall,...i now refuse to make any effort,in these conditions ? (as far as im concerned, customers & the moles,can wait,...)
  25. I can well relate to what your saying here, mate. Where i am (west Scotland), has got to be in contention, for being one of the worst parts in the UK, to be a mole catcher ! lol
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