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Everything posted by earth-thrower

  1. Can anyone recommend a good product, for 'proofing' leather walking boots ?
  2. Well,.. apart from the fact, that a 'scientist' adapted the trap to accommodate, a container. Which, was attached to the side of the trap.This contained some hay & earthworms, which apparently allowed the captured mole, too survive longer, in it ?,....(although, i bet this couldnt be guaranteed, upon inspection ?) A. J. B. Rudge, was the guy.
  3. Nice one,......is this a new method ?,..lol (handy looking spade, too) it's not the future mate. Always intriguing to have a dig and see. Too right !,...lol (good post, this)
  4. Nice one,......is this a new method ?,..lol (handy looking spade, too)
  5. Not too me, mate. I was told by a 'master molecatcher',....lol, that they were 'fit to go', (with no 'fettling' required) ?,....Funny how then, it would have needed the 'force' of a travelling train, to set them off !
  6. Trouble was them "procters" werent 'fit for purpose', & then they were meant to be 'improved' upon. But the updated version, wasnt much better. (just my personal, opinion) ,.......(sorry, i would have offered this sooner, if i would have been on),........The 'Talpex' however, are genuine.
  7. Ive just seen this , mate. At that price, i fear their 'half-barrels', are probably still the "procter" ones ?,....which i wouldnt personally, recommend.
  8. Ive heard about them, too.They are of 'wooden construction', arent they ?. The old 'researchers' set them, to catch moles unharmed, for study purposes.They may have originated in Holland, (but im not sure)
  9. Nicepix, you'll find that all the members are aware anyway. That's the good thing about golf courses, you get that one job and straight away you've given 400+ wealthy people a direct line to your wallet! I have the opposite problem. A dozen or so of my wealthy clients keep trying to get their golf club to hire me. But despite the course being over run with moles they rely on their groundsmen to do mole control. This is it,...ive found a number of clubs, seem to let the 'greenkeepers' plod on,....even though the 'mole damage' , is out of control ? Someone should explain tha
  10. Nicepix, you'll find that all the members are aware anyway. That's the good thing about golf courses, you get that one job and straight away you've given 400+ wealthy people a direct line to your wallet! I have the opposite problem. A dozen or so of my wealthy clients keep trying to get their golf club to hire me. But despite the course being over run with moles they rely on their groundsmen to do mole control. This is it,...ive found a number of clubs, seem to let the 'greenkeepers' plod on,....even though the 'mole damage' , is out of control ?
  11. Your getting 'advanced' on me now ,....lol lol,....& im a 'step behind' !
  12. Well, it can vary for me,.... for this particular club, i work out a minimum price per mole, (which would be more, than say ,in an 'agricultural' situation, using that 'pricing' method ?),...plus the usual, travelling time, fuel, (motor , wear & tear, etc), on top,.......(dont get me wrong,...i wouldnt claim to be the best 'businessman',..but i manage) Well, if they want to play the fool with you, then you can always play the fool back......and eye for an eye and all that!! Aye,...ha ha (i think i know EXACTLY, what you mean!),......but im sure youll understand,.... that 'honest
  13. Well, it can vary for me,.... for this particular club, i work out a minimum price per mole, (which would be more, than say ,in an 'agricultural' situation, using that 'pricing' method ?),...plus the usual, travelling time, fuel, (motor , wear & tear, etc), on top,.......(dont get me wrong,...i wouldnt claim to be the best 'businessman',..but i manage) Interestingly, ...& in contrast , the other one (ive got left),....pays me an 'annual' fee, which is 'generous enough', for the amount of moles, i have too remove ?,.....i find i have too be 'flexible' ( in these parts) with custome
  14. Well, it can vary for me,.... for this particular club, i work out a minimum price per mole, (which would be more, than say ,in an 'agricultural' situation, using that 'pricing' method ?),...plus the usual, travelling time, fuel, (motor , wear & tear, etc), on top,.......(dont get me wrong,...i wouldnt claim to be the best 'businessman',..but i manage)
  15. Well, this is it, Darcy,......i know the ground,( new moles coming back , in the same old spots, mainly) & as i said before, ive only got two golf courses, left ?,.....so i will continue, for now.
  16. True , Phil. It could still end up that way ?, (as im only, just about 'covering' myself now, on this job) ,...lol
  17. Aye, i know what your saying, mate ?,..lol,....& i wont 'bore' you, explaining the last bit.
  18. Hey listen, ...im not threatened, & have no issues, ok ?,....& i still wish you well, with it ,...........................................im done, finally,.....
  19. "you're a grown man, Act like one" ???,.....ffs,...apply that to yourself !, i dont need to go to 'pm' either, If your ever visiting Scotland, you can insult me "face too face",...(see what happens), im based in Inverclyde ?,........(more details on, request),.....lol lol lol God, this must be providing plenty of entertainment now ! lol (well seeing 'Matt' isnt here, anymore) ? ha ha ha
  20. "you're a grown man, Act like one" ???,.....ffs,...apply that to yourself !, i dont need to go to 'pm' either, If your ever visiting Scotland, you can insult me "face too face",...(see what happens), im based in Inverclyde ?,........(more details on, request),.....lol lol lol
  21. Look , ....Commercial mole catching, has NEVER been more popular, with LOADS of information, out there about it, & how to go about things ?.......So, as i say, are you really that 'naive',...that you have no clue,about how to try & take things forward, for yourself ?,........or are you the type, that wants everybody elses knowledge or experience, handed to you 'on a plate',......(too short- cut things , for you) ? You have already been given, all the information, you should need (from the members, here) for an attempt to start out ?,.... ffs...... Also, that bit about , im not "pr
  22. "ive no idea how to generate enough business",...."i'm sure theres plenty of work out there but how to reach out to them",...& this ,..lol "the fact is to me i didn't have a clue how to drum up more business",...............(after 20 years ?),.....says it all, really,.....& "mate i'm done",...its ok, i blame myself, for getting involved ! ha ha ha
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