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Everything posted by earth-thrower

  1. Sorry, for not being a bit more 'forthcoming', about the details,.......but i mostly had too learn, the hard way ? (from my own , mistakes) lol
  2. You didnt say what type of 'scissor trap' , mate ?,...but if its the larger (heavier) 'Eliza Tinsley', type,....then they definately, will benefit, from an adjustment or two ?,...lol,..the 'talpex', you can set, (in the ground) , at least a couple of ways ?,..i never have used them, extensively enough,...to worry about trying to improve them,....(ive found them ok, too go as they are, anyway ?,....but, im not a great fan, of them,...lol) Another 'scissor type' is the wee 'fenn' one,......i used them exclusively, first couple of years, (in the early days !,...lol),...They done me ok, but i
  3. You didnt say what type of 'scissor trap' , mate ?,...but if its the larger (heavier) 'Eliza Tinsley', type,....then they definately, will benefit, from an adjustment or two ?,...lol,..the 'talpex', you can set, (in the ground) , at least a couple of ways ?,..i never have used them, extensively enough,...to worry about trying to improve them,....(ive found them ok, too go as they are, anyway ?,....but, im not a great fan, of them,...lol)
  4. That one, looks a 'monster', OTC ,....thanks, for showing.
  5. Good on you,...for having a go, at making something,...
  6. i think that is just non native species such as grey squizzers and mink etc? You could well, be right ?,....lol,.....cause 'old moleys', 'indigenous', & (for me) one of the most 'impressive', of our 'mammal fauna',......
  7. I tend to think, there cant be alot of 'grub' , for them, in real 'sandy soil' ?,....no wonder, they have too do more "rooting about", in it,....lol
  8. I didnt think you were !,...lol,... its just i (& im sure others) still appreciate the stuff, even if we cant find too much , to say ?,.....The least you will get from me, next time, will be a 'nice one', comment,...lol,........(thats if im impressed, mind ! ha ha)
  9. Never mind , Moxy,...lol,....now, can you get another one, started ?,....with some photos, if you like ?,....lol
  10. I should have just said, 'i know what you mean' (cause i noticed, that?) lol
  11. "anyone can have a go at Mole catching, IMO snaring is more difficult and few will willingly share knowledge on an open forum" Really ?,.... cause, i dont see how its much harder, too try 'snaring', (under the right circumstances) if you were keen ?,.......(well, maybe slightly more difficult, in Scotland now ?,....ha ha) & i wish the same could be said, about "willingly share knowledge", regarding the moles ?,....cause too many, in the game, are 'falling over themselves', to tell everybody everything !,...ha ha
  12. Very interesting, mate,..."if the neighbouring land is mole infested and owned by someone else I'll often leave a couple or more old putanges that are coming to the end of their usable life in suitable commuting tunnels and seal up the trap site leaving them to do their dark dees un-noticed by the customer, and hopefully warding off any in guarantee recall",..........i understand, why you do this, ?,.... but its a step too far, for me personally(intercepting moles from neighbouring land),.......just too be sure,of a 'guarantee', in situations like that ? Its bound to end in a programme of
  13. Thanks OTC, that may well, be the case,...I can 'ramble' on plenty, about the 'doing the moles',....ha ha,....but, without giving too much away,..? ( of what i have learned, over the years) Along the same lines, of your point, for example, is you get some folks looking for advice, & alot of members are 'generous', & give alot of 'damn good' advice, & (ive heard also) go out of their way, too help these 'newbies' start up ? (or whatever) Then what happens ?,........some of these folk 'turn' , because they suddenly hear something, they dont like,....or take something the wr
  14. I do not think that any one was actually having a proper dig at mole posts. Agree there are a lot, but then alot of us trap moles. It was nice to see the squirrel pictures and different trap use IMO Well, its not the first time, someones had a go about it, mate ?,....lol,.... & i also like viewing, all the different types of stuff, on here.Maybe the 'mole catchers', are more interested/ passionate, about their occupation ?,....cause if your interested/enthusiastic enough, about any snaring/trapping/pest control,that you may undertake,......you would perhaps, want to discuss it, &am
  15. Whats the point of people having a 'dig' , about the amount of 'moling threads', on here ?,.......If your involved with the trapping/pest control, of different types, of quarry (which im not generally, anymore ,...),.....then maybe you should try & start more 'topics', regarding this ? From the amount of 'experience' , some of you seem too have, perhaps a bit more efforts required, too get some 'topics', going ?,.......instead of moaning at the 'molemen',......lol lol (for those with a 'chip on their shoulder' ? ,...you dont have too take this, too serious !,...ha ha)
  16. Very interesting, mate,..."if the neighbouring land is mole infested and owned by someone else I'll often leave a couple or more old putanges that are coming to the end of their usable life in suitable commuting tunnels and seal up the trap site leaving them to do their dark dees un-noticed by the customer, and hopefully warding off any in guarantee recall",..........i understand, why you do this, ?,.... but its a step too far, for me personally(intercepting moles from neighbouring land),.......just too be sure,of a 'guarantee', in situations like that ? Its bound to end in a programme of
  17. Ive heard it can vary between £40 to £90, for a single mole, in a garden ?,.....up and down the UK ?,.....(personally, i wouldnt be all that comfortable, charging £90, for just one ,....lol,.....but 'well done', too anyone, who does, & gets it !) Ive had a recent one (guy with one field, & his garden, bordering it), where the customer wanted too pay, the same rates, for two caught in his garden, as what i was charging, for the moles, in his field !,.......ha ha
  18. Fair enough, mate,...i see your point. Can be difficult enough, in that type of situation ?
  19. Interesting stuff, Bry,...I wouldnt know for certain,.....but im not convinced , they are 'technically' classed as 'vermin' , could be they are just deemed, as a 'pest' ?,...& what a pity about that 'job' , you described ?,....i would have been well up, for that one, myself,..lol (if practical).. even just as an experiment ? Personally, i wouldnt be entirely confident, in any info, supplied by the old MAFF, dept, either ? lol This was the same crowd, who conducted their own trials, in the use of 'mole traps' , (and such like),....only too conclude, overall, that trapping moles, was
  20. Good point NP. In theory a live catch mole trap would work, but as you say, unless you release it quite quickly it will die, but if the trap is loaded with a handful of worms may keep it alive til morning!! The same technology is used for rodent monitoring "unless you release it quite quickly, it will die",....Well, it may STILL die anyway, if released elsewhere ,....is the biggest problem ?
  21. Well, i take it, the guy was experienced enough, too turn up first thing in the morning. (at a suitable location, for the 'said' method ?,) He also obviously, figured he would have a fair chance of a 'catch', during the 'run times' ? (& he wouldnt be leaving the trap, in place, overnight ?) No guarantee but ?,....& as youve expressed,... it has its limitations.
  22. Just following on, from the 'Friesian' live trap thread. I remember reading an article once, about quite an intelligent, mole catcher,...lol....(got too be 10 to 15, year ago now).....He managed to make a 'live catch mole trap' , with incorporated 'electronics' ! It would let him know , by way of 'signal',.....as soon as a mole entered his trap, & was caught,........So, i presume he was getting a number of requests, from customers, who wanted moles removed, but not killed, from their gardens ?,....& he was trying to cater for this ? (please dont ask me, about the 'technology' involve
  23. Personally,....i havent come across any, that didnt need adjusting ?
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