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Everything posted by earth-thrower

  1. Couple of photos, of some wooden half-barrel, mole traps,....
  2. Scientist, up here done some investigating, surveyed an area of farmland, on the West Coast (near me) Fields, where infested with them,....ate out our 'native earthworms' (their prey), big style !,.....so , not good for wildlife, or farming generally ? (farmers need our worms for soil health/ecology, drainage, etc). BUT, the most concerning thing was, there was always a local mole population, on this ground (before the 'flat worms' came),....well now , THEY ARE GONE !,......He spoke to all the farmers, concerned, , & they told him , there was always moles around, before these 'aliens
  3. I sure have, mate,.........& its worrying ,.......they are well established, in large parts of Scotland,..also certain spots , in Ireland, & England (not as big a problem down there, YET ! (as in Scotland) Found them in my own garden ,...(as well as my folks !) (can anybody inform me about , Wales ?)
  4. I sure have, mate,.........& its worrying ,.......they are well established, in large parts of Scotland,..also certain spots , in Ireland, & England (not as big a problem down there, YET ! (as in Scotland) Found them in my own garden ,...(as well as my folks !) (can anybody inform me about , Wales ?)
  5. Depends on the garden. I still get calls to deal with moles just venturing short distances into gardens from more overgrown areas bordering the customer's gardens. At the moment the females are making nests ready for the second brood of the year and because it has been so mild and wet they are venturing into the open areas to make them. Last year it was much drier and hotter so many nests were in shady or more moist areas away from open grassed areas. I've been thinking of renaming my business 'Desperate Housewives' given the nature of the calls I've been getting recently Aye, gardens,
  6. Am i correct in thinking, the weather conditions you describe, are in total contrast, to what you had to contend with, this time last year ? Yep. Last year we were in shorts by the end of March and didn't see any rain until after Christmas. There is usually a second spring in October that brings rain, but by November we hadn't seen any and the reservoirs were at their lowest levels for many years. This year the spring is the wettest on record and people were still lighting fires on an evening up until last weekend. Last Christmas Day (2015) we were eating outdoors. Four days later it w
  7. Mole trapping,not long after the silage/hay cuts, can sometimes be productive. (especially, if moles are numerous), only worthwhile in a wet summer, (ive found) though ?,......prolonged hot, dry summer, however, very little, to have a go at ,...
  8. Am i correct in thinking, the weather conditions you describe, are in total contrast, to what you had to contend with, this time last year ?
  9. LOL,....aye, thing is, he asked me about the 'traps', a few years ago,...said he will "need too learn",....lol,...& i think he , & one or two other relatives,connected to the farm, have had a go with the 'traps',....but obviously, havent 'got on' , with them ?...... I pass the place regular in the car,& you can see from the road, that theres still plenty of 'mole activity', on the parts, that have been, 'treated' ? lol He did 'concede' however, that a 'follow up, application', will be required !,...ha ha ( i should have told him, that it is likely, that he will have MORE
  10. A farmer told me recently, that he just completed the 'updated', 'aluminium phosphide' for vertebrate pest control, course,....well, i was a bit surprised,...seeing that he said hes been out about £400, for it !,...lol He then proceeded to tell a load of 'facts' , he learned,...(stuff i already knew,..but i let him tell me again, out of courtesy ? lol) Then he asks me "how much do i charge , per mole ?",...well, i said.... "£10"(for starters, lol),......"but whos gonna pay you say, £1000, if they have a hundred moles, or so ?",...he says ? lol,......So,.....he then goes on too tell me tha
  11. I dont know for definate, mate,...but, i suspect that its probably on the ' shelf ', for now ? Maybe Matts, retired ?,...cause hes made so much money, possibly ?,....lol,.....& wheres 'Perthshire', has he f....d off too 'facebook', or somewhere ?,...
  12. Are you not the 'old man', of the 'squad', anyway,.....ha ha ha (nowt wrong wi that !, mind) ?,......or would it be , Moxy ?,...lol Not me pal. I'm just an impressionable youngster drawn in by the lure of lager adverts! lol lol
  13. I dont know for definate, mate,...but, i suspect that its probably on the ' shelf ', for now ?
  14. Are you not the 'old man', of the 'squad', anyway,.....ha ha ha (nowt wrong wi that !, mind) ?,......or would it be , Moxy ?,...lol Bet Phils, no 'spring chicken', either ? he he,......(god, id still be the 'tea boy', amongst you lot !) ha ha ha
  15. Are you not the 'old man', of the 'squad', anyway,.....ha ha ha (nowt wrong wi that !, mind) ?,......or would it be , Moxy ?,...lol
  16. ha ha ,....this is why i much prefer you, as a 'mod' , moxy ?,.....rather than ole 'Matt' ?,....(although i didnt 'dislike' him, & do miss him, some ,....) lol
  17. Quite funny,.......lol, (& nearly 'over my head', too,...lol)
  18. Plenty of opportunities out here for rural pest control providing that you are able to move with the times, embrace new ideas and not just rely on what worked in the 1940's Hey, im not that 'old', mate !,....lol (still in me 'forties' , actually) he he
  19. So its 'true' Phil,.. the 'Hampshire Countryside' is totally overrun with moles, after all ! (ive heard that) ha ha So its 'true' Phil,.. the 'Hampshire Countryside' is totally overrun with moles, after all ! (ive heard that) ha ha Sorry mate, i cant help , messing,....( although , theres got to be 'scope' for a few more 'mole catchers', on old 'Nicepix' doorstep, surely ?,....ha ha ha )
  20. So its 'true' Phil,.. the 'Hampshire Countryside' is totally overrun with moles, after all ! (ive heard that) ha ha
  21. One good thing, maybe,..(depending on your point, of view ?),....is that any 'newbies' who are considering, 'paying' for a 'mole catching course',.....really DONT need to bother, anymore ? lol lol,.....cause, its ALL here,...in the Snaring, Trapping & Pest Control, section, alone ?,....lol,.......So tune in & 'follow' folks, & 'spread the word',.....cause all youll need is a bit of 'aptitude', & your away ! ha ha ha (lightheartedly expressed, mind !,..lol)
  22. Aye , i noticed how 'black' it was, with them (moles), in many parts, down there ?,....when i visited a guy, who was a mole catcher/taxidermist, at the time ?,...a good number of years, ago,.. (near 'Tarleton', i think, it was called ?),.....& that was the days, when the old 'snow', was still available,....i think there was him, (who favoured the, good old 'scissor' traps) & also a father & son, who did the moles,..not too far , from him ? (they used the 'poisoned worms', he said ?)........That , 'John Noblett ' guy,.....i liked his collection, of 'photo albums',...on his site ?,
  23. Have you checked out, that 'Lancashire Mole Catchers', site, Phil ?,......goodness me, i get the impression, hes lucky enough, to tackle frequently, 'heavily infested' ground,..down in those parts ?,......(good money, to be made, id bet !) lol John Noblett, is it, hes called ?
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