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Everything posted by earth-thrower

  1. Haha, they all count mate! Im not sure how many traps i have tbh but its a few hundred, and most are out working for me 247. Its more sheer numbers than skill, round here its crawling with moles. Its getting harder, round my way, ,....too find 'large areas', where its 'black', with them, now ,.......(& thats not just cause, of my efforts ! ,...It was only ever certain spots, that were really bad,....i remember),.........(they are still, widespread, enough ?,.....but not many places at all, 'polluted' with them,...if you get my drift ?)
  2. Thank F..., for that !,.....no wonder , i 'drink' ?,...lol (yous will have too forgive me , i went from just a basic 'pushbutton' phone,....too this updated 'camera phone', at christmas , there,.....so still getting too grips with it ! )
  3. Think i got there, 'old yin' ? (cheers mate, your always helpin, me oot !)
  4. I'm a 'young thing',you know ? lol,.. ,...(but, still crap, at getting some photos , up !) says the 'file' is too big too 'upload' or something ?
  5. Trap sprung,....with a 'capture' ?,....but is it a 'mole', or has a 'big stone', been bunged in it ? ha ha,..
  6. Here's a few photos, of the 'wooden full barrel', trap, in action,...
  7. Here's a few photos, of the 'wooden barrel', mole trap, in action,......
  8. You didnt say 'Cheese', in that bottom photo ?
  9. Its only , the 'midnight cowboy' , method, folk seem interested in, near me, now ?,...The amount of folk, ive bumped into, who have got , shooting permission,...(& who are looking for it !) Even the 'hunt' are struggling too 'flush' anything much , these days, the times ive seen them ? Even got chatting, to a woman( best described, as a 'wee housewife' lol), walking her dog, when i was moling,....." i shoot the foxes", she says,......(& i know where),...the most unlikely, of folk, at it now ! ,...i thought too myself ?
  10. Well, thats a matter, of opinion, really ? ,.....(each too their own, though,...)
  11. Aye, it can be hard going, alot of the time, mate ?,...(good photo , that )
  12. Sounds familiar, mate ,....youve described the "joys" of mole catching, pretty well, there ? lol
  13. Aye, they have too work harder, generally, in the winter, for their grub,.....this often means, more molehills !
  14. There are some farmers,(not all) who dont bother, if its just 'grazing' ground, mate. I dont mind this, at all, & like too see, some around ! lol
  15. Indications are, its a 'good year' , for moles ?,.....(i think,..lol)
  16. Heard that, also ?,.....(not a surprise, this time of year ?)
  17. ha ha ha,....what you like ?,...(& after me being at it, 21 year, now !, i knew id learn something off you ! ),.......what, that 'wooden full barrel, trap' ?,...i only got one ,.....(my , pride & joy, that ,....lol) Can't teach an old dog new tricks. I haven't thought you a thing. Yes your full barrel. How do you get on with it? Aye mate, im catching with it,..(takes a bit longer, than the duffus,...but , im a slow fecker, anyway ? lol),...that particular ones, got a 'good strong spring', & catches the mole, in the right place ? (mostly),....the 'pressure' would be on (
  18. ha ha ha,....what you like ?,...(& after me being at it, 21 year, now !, i knew id learn something off you ! ),.......what, that 'wooden full barrel, trap' ?,...i only got one ,.....(my , pride & joy, that ,....lol)
  19. lol,.....don't give the 'newbies', any ideas , mate !,....(its bad enough, sometimes, when they show, 'how many theyve caught ?', like ,...& then 'thaw out' the rest ?,..too swell the amount, for a photo ,...for a 'well done',... 'pat on the back', ...type thing ?) ha ha ha,.........(only joking, now,...) Taxidermist, said 'poly bag' in the freezer, but then take it out, for posting ?,....& write on the box 'urgent perishable goods' ? (when i caught & sent, a 'yellow coloured' one , once)
  20. lol,.....don't give the 'newbies', any ideas , mate !,....(its bad enough, sometimes, when they show, 'how many theyve caught ?', like ,...& then 'thaw out' the rest ?,..too swell the amount, for a photo ,...for a 'well done',... 'pat on the back', ...type thing ?) ha ha ha,.........(only joking, now,...)
  21. "Not freezing them, are we ",...how'd you guess ? lol (it was out a garden, woman, didnt want it,..i just slung the trap, in the bucket,..),.....wouldn't mind getting, a 'funny coloured' one again ?,....now , that will be getting 'bunged' , in the freezer, thats for sure ! lol
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