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Everything posted by earth-thrower

  1. good stuff, mate ,....i had a look in on some of the 'mole catching' groups, on 'facebook', for a while,...only for a 'nosey' (was never gonna stay long), i will tell you , they are very 'active', & plenty o posts,......but there was far too much, 'look how many ive caught', & 'how well ive done, here',.....type of thing, for me ? (looking for a 'pat on the back', & 'praise' , types),......they are also lucky to have , a few folk, who USED too, be on here ? (& one or two, who still are !), ....it was good 'catching up' , with them,.....(theres still that 'element' too, who ar
  2. Aye, its all his fault ! ha ha,....why they are so popular, now ?,....(.bet, he wasnt getting the results, he wanted, with the 'half-barrel' ? lol)
  3. I caught a 'yellowy', one, once,(got too be more than 15 year ago)...on a local estate. Gave it too 'Adrian Johnstone', taxidermist (darlington), for mounting,.....(but i already bought 2 or 3, normal coloured ones , off him, before that ?,...so the novelty, of 'paying', for another , had wore off ! lol),....im back on that estate now (in recent years),....never had another,....(alot less moles, these days, though )
  4. Aye, Smithie,...so it seems ? ,.. (not necessarily, a good thing, i feel).,.....any f.....g easier, & the 'customers' can do it themselves,...
  5. Good post, mate ,....( im not gonna bother, with them,....just cause everyone else , is !,....i like to do things , the hard way ha ha),.......i still dont 'forget' the bit o advice,(unofficial like ,....cause i cant be seen , too be seeking guidance, of course ! , ha ha ha),....... (& encouragement) you provided, regarding them 'traplines' ? (when i couldnt get a decent 'half-barrel ),.....really pulled me out of a hole, (big learning curve, though),...& in the end , ended up with a 'capture rate', too rival the 'duffus' ? (for me)
  6. I use Duffus traps , have done for 32 years now and have caught a mole or two , don't get me wrong mate i do know how to catch moles !!! Not that keen on having the p taken when i'm after advice, but guess i've done the same plenty of times . I think i've got so used to the Duffus ,the putagne seams alien. Well, your not gonna go wrong , with a 'good' duffus !,......& its only natural, for us to want to try , different traps ?,.....(but it seems, each 'new' mole trap, that comes along, ...is the best thing , since 'sliced bread' !,....too some ? lol),......but, to be fair,
  7. Aye, simplistic design ?,......but , effective, it seems,....
  8. Have you thought about an 'apprentice', too mate ? (as long as their, trustworthy, genuinely keen, & responsible ?,....its no bad thing ,..... )
  9. To be honest,.. you cant avoid a 'bunged' duffus, completely ?,.....(well, i cant anyway,..lol), you just have too try & minimise it, as much as possible ?
  10. No mate, i cant make anything !,..lol (cause im not set up, for it, or very handy, anyway),......but, i got a traditional blacksmith, too make me this, one,....
  11. took this the other day, though,....last few 'stragglers' , for a while, in this field ? (hopefully,...lol)
  12. Me & my big mouth !,..... ,.....well, i dont choose between, "five different types" of mole trap, for different soil types ?,....i make do, with the 'half-barrels',....unless, on a very rare occasion, i cant get one in !,.....i will use a 'trapline' or two ? (i am certainly not saying, anyones 'method', is wrong ,....its just what suits, the individual ?),.....& i 'probably' wouldnt have set, "five traps", for what i thought, were "one or two", moles ?,....but , thats just me ,......Any pics of you mole traps set?...just curious What , 'half - barrels', set, in the mole runs ?,
  13. You can catch , with the 'scissor type',...(of course) ?,.... but nowadays, i would say, they are very often NOT, the first choice, of many a mole catcher ?
  14. Me & my big mouth !,..... ,.....well, i dont choose between, "five different types" of mole trap, for different soil types ?,....i make do, with the 'half-barrels',....unless, on a very rare occasion, i cant get one in !,.....i will use a 'trapline' or two ? (i am certainly not saying, anyones 'method', is wrong ,....its just what suits, the individual ?),.....& i 'probably' wouldnt have set, "five traps", for what i thought, were "one or two", moles ?,....but , thats just me ,......
  15. Hey Trappa, i agree with SOME of this ?,...ha ha (in truth, theres bound too be differences, however slight, in how we each , go about things ?),......but , the fella who asked, wont go wrong, taking on board, what your saying , here ?
  16. If you give alot more detail, about the situation, you describe,...& say what traps, you are using, etc ?,....then im sure some on here , can give you, advice ,....(not me though , no offence !) Also, i only set one trap, for what i think, should (or could ?) be one mole ?,...... its only cause ive been at it, over 20 year now, & should know what im doing, (well, sometimes ! ),....... I am in no way, suggesting, however,.....that this is the BEST way, for anybody else,.........
  17. Cheers Trappa, its my 'pride & joy', that 'wooden' one , ha ha, Only had the one, but done something about it ,..so, after a fair bit of effort, & a few ££ , i now, have my second !
  18. Earth-thrower i dont know if its my eyes but in the pic showing the wooden barrel trap (last pic) what is the dohnut shaped object? Is it an improvised mumble pin of some-sort you've used? Aye, its the 'trigger'. Ive heard it referred too, as a, "roundy peg" ? Ahh thats interesting mate,never heard of using a round peg i thought it was just a Y shaped peg you used. Ive been after a homemade barrel trap/ gas pipe type for a while. ive tried to make them but failed.if anyone has any or knows someone who i contact could contact to buy some i'd be very grateful if they could drop me a pm.
  19. Earth-thrower i dont know if its my eyes but in the pic showing the wooden barrel trap (last pic) what is the dohnut shaped object? Is it an improvised mumble pin of some-sort you've used? Aye, its the 'trigger'. Ive heard it referred too, as a, "roundy peg" ?
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