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Everything posted by earth-thrower

  1. j have never tried the bethel Rhodes traps, what are they like, I love the flat pack stainless traps, very good in this acidic soil up here, last for ages, Aye, a currently use & like those "stainless traps", & importantly can work with them ?,......"bethel Rhodes" were popular (maybe still are ?) at one point, but their 'quality' certainly dipped. in recent times ? (dont know about now ?)
  2. Double catch, metal half-barrel type, definitely my preferred design,of a mole trap, overall ?
  3. Dont know what they are like, nowadays ?,.....but in the past, 'fit for purpose', was questionable ?
  4. Too right,. charge him plenty ? ( although i wouldnt entertain them myself !,.....& thats not cause i dont need the money, either ,...lol),........
  5. "or is it so you can use aluminium phosphide?",......you made me smile here,...cause it would be immediate expulsion from the guild, id bet ?, if you admitted to using that stuff ! ,.......(personally , i wish it would go, like the way strychnine did ? )
  6. Well all the credit, goes to Mr Merrin, actually,....for his brilliant films, & showing the way, with this trap design, of yesteryear !,....... it gave me the inspiration, to try & get one or two made, & have a go with them ?,.....only trial & error with me, these type,...so probably not made perfectly, or even 'set & installed' (by me) correctly, 100% of the time !
  7. At least you had a go, mate ?,....best i done, was to use some dimensions (& some guess work ?) off of a certain modern 'plastic' version ? ,....& found a fella to make me one or two, out of wood ?,.......trouble is, was considerable expense, to employ his services lol,....hence, im never gonna have many ! ,....(guys a professional wood turner)One of Simon whiteheads pals makes then isnt there a bit of film showing how to make them and you can use plastic pipe if you want to go modern ?.Thats right, mate. Thats where i got some sizes ? Quite clever utilizing that "plastic pipe", &a
  8. At least you had a go, mate ?,....best i done, was to use some dimensions (& some guess work ?) off of a certain modern 'plastic' version ? ,....& found a fella to make me one or two, out of wood ?,.......trouble is, was considerable expense, to employ his services lol,....hence, im never gonna have many ! ,....(guys a professional wood turner) One of Simon whiteheads pals makes then isnt there a bit of film showing how to make them and you can use plastic pipe if you want to go modern ?. Thats right, mate. Thats where i got some sizes ? Quite clever utilizing that "plast
  9. At least you had a go, mate ?,....best i done, was to use some dimensions (& some guess work ?) off of a certain modern 'plastic' version ? ,....& found a fella to make me one or two, out of wood ?,.......trouble is, was considerable expense, to employ his services lol,....hence, im never gonna have many ! ,....(guys a professional wood turner)
  10. Set one or two of these old style traps, on this (not long) topped ground,here. This ones slightly modified,& with a good strong spring, to help provide a swift dispatch, of the mole ?
  11. Rabbits like hills , a cutting or embankment is a hillside I have lot of land along side a main line and there is a train every few minutes , the rabbits are very safe there they are also very well drained . Interesting stuff, Micky. Rabbits seemed to die out (for whatever reason ?) at one stage, & for a long time, in the local countryside, surrounding our scheme. But, they suddenly reappeared again one season, (rumoured to be a translocation, or two ) probably more than 10 year ago, now. Since then, they have colonised new ground, & thats mainly residential parts, particular
  12. Well done, on 'taking the plunge',...& hopefully youll 'find your feet', up there, before too long,....now you are aware, its highly unlikely to be as dry as Norfolk (is it ?), arent you ? lol,.....(its ok though, cause it cant be more 'wet', than where i am,..much further south in Scotland, on the 'west coast',...which has got to be in contention,for the area, with the highest amount of rainfall, in the UK ! ) ATB
  13. "most labourer are getting £125 aday",....really ?,...well, i was a 'brickies labourer' for alot of years (off & on, at one time), & NEVER came close to that, kind of money !,.. lol
  14. Does this work well for you? If I was the customer would think perhaps you are not very good or trying to rip me off as you charge every visit, so would be in your interest not to catch quickly? Best thing I ever did. I tell them it will be the initial visit plus one possibly two more visits 99% of the time. Im a molecatcher turned pesty and very good at catching moles and the customer is virtually always over the moon. Ive seen pestys turned molecatchers though that couldnt catch a cold never mind a mole, they couldnt do it. As for being in my interest not to catch quickly, no. Im no
  15. I believe anyone who thinks you can ALWAYS charge, what you want ?,..or EVEN what you need to charge, to make it worthwhile,...but, the customer declines ? (in some cases ),...with 'mole catching' ?? ,....im afraid, will be in for a 'rude awakening' ! lol
  16. Thanks fella, for showing on here, enjoyed looking through it.
  17. I believe anyone who thinks you can ALWAYS charge, what you want ?,..or EVEN what you need to charge, to make it worthwhile,...then the customer declines ? (in some cases ),...with 'mole catching' ?? ,....im afraid, will be in for a 'rude awakening' ! lol
  18. Does this work well for you? If I was the customer would think perhaps you are not very good or trying to rip me off as you charge every visit, so would be in your interest not to catch quickly? Best thing I ever did. I tell them it will be the initial visit plus one possibly two more visits 99% of the time. Im a molecatcher turned pesty and very good at catching moles and the customer is virtually always over the moon. Ive seen pestys turned molecatchers though that couldnt catch a cold never mind a mole, they couldnt do it. As for being in my interest not to catch quickly, no. Im no
  19. Well, im the opposite,...the "Garden jobs", can certainly be more 'lucrative' ,...but personally, im less keen on these types of jobs, as time goes on. I can spend alot of time having 'dialogue', answering customers questions,etc (& ones 'standing over you',..while you work, irritates me a little, too). Not to mention the dogs, children, etc,....who always seem too have the run of the place, (even while laying traps, when youve specified otherwise ? ),.....nah, i still prefer 'wandering' the larger areas, in pursuit of old 'moley' ! (although it doesnt get any easier, year after year ?
  20. Those' types' who want to 'do it themselves' , annoy me,....i dont entertain them, & wont try & show them. (thats just me , though) Get some farmers, also, phoning for advice,...who do theyre own moles,....but they want to try & 'pick your brains', for any tips on dealing with some 'difficult' ones ?,.......or they want to know how to set & install, a new type of trap ! (they wouldnt give you a job, though !) ,....what do they think it is ? lol
  21. Just thinking,.. you get that 'Lady Molecatcher' in, for him ,.....tell her you want a good 'cut' of the money ? ,...cause it seems, she will 'charge' THAT MUCH for doing it ! ha ha ha ha
  22. "cant think that anyone of a decent nature called in to catch the moles for work...,would try and take your permission",........................yes, i agree
  23. Why do you feel obliged ? (if its not, your thing ?) Is it permission, or paid work ? I would definitely recommend you pass it on, if your not keen,.....(theres PLENTY mole catchers, nowadays) & he has too PAY , if he wants it done right !
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