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Everything posted by earth-thrower

  1. Bad aint it ?,....youve got to wonder, regards that type of attitude ,......honestly ?
  2. Yes mate, how bad are you down there ?,....(gonna fall behind for sure with this,....& be hard to catch up ?)
  3. Definitely Phil, hope you do ?,....(& what a cracking photo !)
  4. Who'd have thought it at the busiest period,....(cant believe it ?) 15inch deep snow here now, god knows when the traps will get out again ?? (think i'm better hitting the drink !!)
  5. Embarrasing, that approach to it is, & just backward ? (for this part of the project) Whats wrong over there ???
  6. Your right, Neil,.....displays such a poor mentality ?
  7. Bet you thought, you'd never see the day, Micky ? (bit sad, really)
  8. More moles this year than last, on another course here too,...& getting the odd 'double' in the traps, which (as alot if you will know ?) you can expect to get a bit more frequently round about this time of year ?
  9. Moles, have made somewhat of a comeback on this course, this winter,...(was a bit surprised, actually),.......possibly due to the wet summer, in my neck of the woods,....resulting in high survival rates of young moles ?,....
  10. Iol,...don't be fooled, mate,....wind & constant rain, the day before,...(alot more rainy days, than dry, these parts, sadly ?)
  11. There's always mole activity at this 9th hole here (every year), which is the highest part & furthest away point, of the course. So always a bit of a walk for me ! ?? (Uphill all the way, to get there)
  12. " and kept up to forty in pens " ?? ,.......i will say one thing though, whether its acceptable or not ?,.....the countryman & his dogs helping the landowner, (at one time ?) with a 'badger problem', is one thing ,......but the hypocrisy of the governments & the legislation, thats in place nowadays....which basically affords the badger 'over - protected' status (in my opinion) caused alot of the (alleged) problems now,.....with their over population, certainly in some spots (on the mainland, at least ?),.......BUT,...dare a (genuine) countryman, with his traps, dogs, snares, et
  13. Interesting stuff,........i always felt the Republics badger control program, couldnt be justified ?,....(& that includes both the method & scale of it,..),.......there must be countless spots within all the counties, seriously depleted of old brock now ? (& needlessly !) & just how many perfectly healthy 'billys' would that include, i wonder ?
  14. Thanks Eddie, i will try & follow that ! lol
  15. Now that the 'rabbit population' seems in big trouble ?,.......how many of those who harvest them, ...are now gonna go easy on them,....i wonder ?
  16. Type in, 'Scotland's rabbit population 'decimated' by virulent virus',....which is an article i found in 'The Scotsman' newspaper ? (sorry i don't know, how to get it on here ?)
  17. Ground like concrete here, since Sunday,.....just starting to thaw a little, now.Got traps in a few different locations, on the Saturday though. Checked a place & traps havent been touched, where i would have expected a few. Just goes to show, moles wont necessarily travel runs, where their not gonna get grub, cause of the low temperatures ? (i think)
  18. Ha ha ha,.......oh dear,..& ive sobered up now too !
  19. I like the folks on THL,.......(& im stayin , & thats that ! lol)
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