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Everything posted by earth-thrower

  1. Elm was apparently a wood of preference for the mole traps of old. So finally managed to get one made. This bit of hill grazing i usually just leave the moles be, but the farmer insists they are caught here now , cause he reckons they may spread back into the more productive fields round about. (Now that their clear).......was always a good spot for rabbits here also , but sadly they have gone, which is worrying, actually. In fact, i really do feel for the rabbiters at the moment,.......(even though im not much of a rabbiting man, myself)
  2. Aye, the more "points" made , then all the better ! Iol & your "hijacked thread" ??,.....well , you were thanking everyone for the most replies to YOUR thread "of all time" , previously !! Iol.
  3. f***ing hell,.....i was obviously referring to myself ? (paranoia or what with you ?) Iol ,.....& as for the rest , i have no clue what your on about ,.....( 'mole trappers' got a point alright,......but hey, i already new that,.....tbh),....you sure you haven't had a whiskey or two , yourself ? ??
  4. Why do you ask ? ? (do you doubt me ? Iol,....well , actually probably a former corporation/ council housing estate,....& now a housing association estate , with a fair amount of home owners ?),......sorry , i keep editing, cause youve caught me 'on the drink' again here ! ??
  5. "star of the show" ? ,.....nah , 'tilimangro',....he's culpable for that accolade ! ?. & "sailors talk" ??,....aye , theres bound to be some of that, when there's a Scottish council estate lad, involved ?,....a good laugh & entertaining at least, maybe ? Iol
  6. Well, Dave74, you will be chuffed with yourself, .....over 8,200 views to your "thread" now as well !! How did YOU manage this here, well done !! ?? Iol it's what this section needs i reckon ?,....(keep it up now, will you ?) Iol
  7. Good on you , mate,.....& good luck, for giving it a go.
  8. Not too much wrong here, as regards humaneness of capture in these "half barrels", I reckon ,....lol
  9. Well, i try too wake them all up from their slumber, at least 'mole trapper' ? ,......& I'm not 100% sure what your on about , or who your actually referring too ? (in your second paragraph), but , if you can't handle the 'heat' & all that ?,.......lol,....me, i personally never thought i was too good, or up myself enough, not to post here ?
  10. Well, you can mouth off, but your actually saying very little now,....& to the extent where it's only insults, you can resort too,.....
  11. Thanks for sharing here, Phil. & i agree with your sentiments entirely, regarding the old "snow". I eventually had the opportunity to use the stuff, for a short time myself. (an ex keeper venturing into pest control ,took me on board for his mole jobs. He insisted on the 'gas' firstly (would you believe ?) then strychnine , for all larger area work,....he didn't last long at the game , however) & at least it gave me the experience to know what it was like. No fun at all, really ! ,...lol,...for a start. Love the photo, .....& what's that 'earth implement' resting on your shoulder t
  12. & the overwhelming response to the biocides & pesticides (group) at the EC, (when they invited reaction, before the final decision) where trying there best to hold on to Strychnine, loads of them all panicking how they were gonna control their moles now, without the poison , as the traps were no use, (especially over larger areas, etc),....lol,.......in fact Jeff's response was that comprehensive, (detailed trap versus poison comparison, it was) & totally dispelled the shite being put about poison being 'essential' etc,....& it makes me laugh how EVERYONE wants to bang on about
  13. lol,....you still failed to answer what i asked you fella, & that tells me enough,.....(cause you probably couldn't)
  14. Definitely mate ! lol,....easier for transporting on foot, was the reason (& to fit in the old mole bag) Then something 'Phil Lloyd' put to me in an old post, at the time, came to mind. He says (of the top picture) they dont really look all that " comfortable" ,......well Phil , i think i get you now,.... lol ( & you were probably right !)
  15. Dave74, do you really think i give a f**k what YOU or 'smithie', or ANYBODY else on here thinks, for that matter, (cause your one of the ones (since i interjected again, latterly) thats only on this thread to be carried along 'for the ride', it seems, anyway. ?) & to conclude im not PERSONALLY interested in trying to stop anybody else, use what mole trap they want, or work however they want ?,......its just not on my agenda. That dvd exists alright,......problem is some of you are all f***ing experts these days (like f**k ! ha ha well think yous are, i reckon),.........& where were
  16. It's fine,.....you'd have been next, anyway ?
  17. I always seem to be messing with my implements ?, after a while , it seems,.....
  18. Thanks, for that answer,.....as im just trying to inform myself further, regarding my query. I knew you would answer ?,...but , i did ask the other guy ? Iol,........(Sorry , about sourcing a dvd , but im certain that info was on the back cover)
  19. lol,..its been pointed out to me before that, but i wont be stopping it. Now , is that your contribution here ?,..cause perhaps youd have been better saying f**k all ! ,....& your comment regarding Jeff,....well, your definitely qualified to be the judge of that overall, are you ?
  20. "they are efficient and humane killing tool" ?,.....just curious, (cause of your confidence in them ?) where does YOUR putanges strike the mole to guarantee this ? Also how does your mole pass on... would you know if its from cardiac arrest, or unconsciousness (which its not possible to awake from ?),.....or is it even asphyxiation ? or something else ? (another condition from the injury inflicted, possibly ?)
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