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Everything posted by earth-thrower

  1. Also fella (I didn't catch your first name ?) don't be too overconfident that your fit to lecture me here,..... i catch well & consistently up here , in frequently rough terrain & in challenging conditions,...biting winds with extremely high rainfall common, & cold temperatures the norm , autumn , winter & spring (not quite like 'darn sarf' I would imagine? Iol) all on foot , with plenty of hills, and over large areas. I hardly miss a mole, (first time) , these days (& that's the way it should be after 23 year ! Iol),......now i will await yours & the other 'pretender
  2. Im glad you plucked up the courage , to comment again. But im afraid it's no better than your last couple of attempts , which had no substance & you only said for effect,...but, it didn't work, & you failed badly ,......(now I'm sorry, i know you lads don't want me to go, but the funs got to stop some time ! ?)
  3. Honestly,...im trying to finish here ?,.....(your a likeable chap, & i have no ill will towards you.) Now, I'm sorry & i really cant be bothered addressing all of what you put here. For a start though, it's just inaccurate , alot of what you say. (First two paragraphs, & the line after.) A simple check back, would start to tell you this. Also, wheres YOUR thread , showing YOU in action, etc. Is that not what i asked you, really ? & "i haven't moved with the times & that's why mole catching isnt working for me" ? ,...... Again, just wrong , & the audacity of you to try &
  4. Blooming heck , Dave74, you & tilimangro, please take a bow,.....what's the secret ? lol ,....now promise yous are gonna keep this up, will you ? ,......when i finally sign off here,.....& maybe the rest on this thread (where it applies) can maybe start a moling topic or two, with photos of them in action, etc etc,.....instead of just 'talking the talk' (or how they know it all, etc) maybe ? lol,......... anyway, it's been loads of fun again, ,....& remember if you start to take yourself far too seriously, or take things too personal, on THL , then, you are f****d i reckon ,....
  5. Really ?,...well , ive no reason to doubt that,...(but i will keep doing things my way anyway,.....& that's without it. I will also have to acquire the latest version of Jeff's "Talpa" trap , is it ? ,.....see what all this fuss is about ? Iol ,.....6kg pressure springs i heard ? ,.......might not be a bad thing.)
  6. That's correct Mr Gardener, the easier the better for you,.....lol,.....i reckon the half-barrel might just be beyond you ? ?
  7. Who you kidding ? ,...your hardly capable , ya f***ing arsehole ,.....lol
  8. & you can keep your 'putange' as well ! f..k , i tried something similar at least 15 year ago now ,...the 'No mol', from the states (when you were still weeding & cutting the grass , ffs !) ,......lol,....(reckon your type of traps are probably for the amateur gardener to have a go with,...right enough, anyway,... ??)
  9. Keep trying to get the better of me ? (just a proper f...y , you are ,...lol)
  10. Aye, f***ing 'over & out' you are , ya f***ing clown,....lol
  11. Iol, your not wrong !,.....you could argue it's a sorry state of affairs though,....cause look at the 'views' this thread has received now, compared to other folks perfectly good, interesting , & informative topics ? ,....... somethings just not right, about that,......i reckon
  12. & i forgot "jog on pal" ?? ?,....that's just not gonna happen,........
  13. I'm glad you clarified,...& that's about right im a "bitter and twisted c**t" ! ?,....& never mind about "Jeff getting his way" ,...f**k, some of my thinking MIGHT be even worse, (for you & like-minded ) cause it's never always been ONLY about lethal control of the old mole , for me neither ! ,....(ive got my own ideas) & have had a long interest in the fate of nature's little earth mover for a long time now, & have had MANY communications with all sorts of interested individuals, bodies & groups,........but hey, that conversations for another day, perhaps,...... ? &am
  14. Well , it's clearly evident that you should be the new spokesman on behalf of us mole catchers ? ? & you really should break free from the shackles of the APMC, & be at the helm of your own group ??,....cause I'm tired of you trying to prove yourself to me here, & to the extent where you had to stress the point to me that "you know alot more, than I think you know, about mole catching " etc etc ?? (by PM, i think, don't delete it now ?).....oh & so you have tried to communicate with your nemesis afterall,.......well, at last you've revealed it ? i mean , .....I've been catching
  15. "feel sorry" , for me ?? ?,... dont be foolish, now. & "sycophantic sentence" ?,...so YOU think you know me ? ? don't delude yourself,......keep going now, will you ? ,...& again let's see YOU do something about any intentions Jeff, may have ? (useless c..t that you are !)
  16. On the contrary, you possibly might be capable of penning your own ? ,.....lol (might be an interesting read ? ? ?),.....i wont hold my breath, though ? lol,.......now, when are you gonna have the COURAGE to engage Jeff directly ? (It would probably take a visit to see the 'Wizard of Oz' for you ??),.....he's easily contactable,.......& maybe ask him for the DVD too ? Iol,........you can then tell us all here how it went ? ha ha
  17. If this is your comeback comment, by the way,..... it's not any better, than your last ! ? & it's obvious your struggling to keep up with this thread. ? Are you a moleman, by the way ?, i'd like to know ?......& pay attention here now, ......MOST mole trappers that ive come across, or are aware of aren't 'FIT TOO LACE THE MANS BOOTS' !!,...i reckon (& that would probably include myself too,....? Iol) & to be honest , it's not really about any CHANGES he might wish to bring about either , for me,........The other who i hold in high regard, would be Mr Bob Merrin. (for my ow
  18. & i might well , have to finally go back to getting a proper job again, soon ! ??
  19. But also in my case, it's equally been a 'labour of love'. (In truth, for me there's less to be earned at it, than some other occupations ive had before,.......& im certainly not 'well off', for it not to matter,....?)
  20. I certainly will,..lol,...cause youve dried up, or is it out, here ! ?,.....& anyway i would class myself as a traditional molecatcher utilising a well proven design, that came about courtesy of a fellow countryman, way back,...(Scottish shepherd !) ,......& this 'Putange & Talpex' etc,....f**k all traditional about them , for a true British mole catcher ! ,...that's for sure ?. (can't help thinking as well, they are the easy way out,... for those who struggle to get the results they want from the Duffus type,...lol)
  21. " Sadly none of this is actually being done with the moles best at heart " ,...you reckon ? (& you missed out 'interest' i think), ..cause i cant really see how that applies,........& "theyve been ignored a lot except by the tree huggers" ? ,......well what "tree huggers" ?,....cause ive been reliably informed that there's been disinterest overall from that side (ironically),...but, I can probably guess why,.....
  22. Well, i seen more hares late summer, than i had previous years. Think the long , hot , dry summer helped, here. But haven't seen any lately, either. Also, the last remaining spot , (& it's local to me) that seems to hold bunnies here, done well too, & they were spreading into surrounding areas again. Again though, they have disappeared mainly, over October/November ?. (& i wouldn't think it's the 'midnight cowboys' wholly to blame for it either !)
  23. Really ? , actually sorry to hear that , mate. Aye, its getting serious, .....& now the old hares are suffering too , apparently (got to wonder, what the hecks going on )
  24. & another,...now im not an expert (like some ?) but there doesnt seem any struggle, or the mole 'fighting' in these traps here ?
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