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Everything posted by earth-thrower

  1. No 'drink' talk, either,.......this sample trap came today ! ???
  2. I will continue to comment as a see fit ! & what about it ? ,...& im also not bothered whatever you want to say ,.....however , if YOU have got a genuine problem , grievance with me, then you should maybe try & do something about it pal, if you feel it would help resolve it, you know where i am....otherwise 'dry your f***ing eyes' or something
  3. How anyone approaches mole catching IS a personal thing, is it not ? well, it is for me anyway,.....ive been catching many years now, & in all types of situations, & soil types, mainly using just one trap type (at any one time),......(except on that RARE occasion where your usual trap won't suffice, perhaps) & that's been challenge enough for me ! lol & that last bit you put,.....i only said I wasn't interested in them ? ?
  4. Correct, & i don't fancy them !,....& its not about their efficiency, humaneness aspect, etc (or lack of ?) for me. (its back to me being a gentleman on here, now,...?)
  5. You certainly have a point there?,....but the French can keep them, as far as im concerned ! ?
  6. This is an example of an 'ash' made trap.(wood turned) A favourite choice of wood of Bob Merrins, for them. This one uses the wee forked trigger, made of hazel (which is popular for this part,....hand cut by the man himself, this particular one) This is one component i may be able to produce myself, if ever needed in future !........?? Iol
  7. Good footage, that. & always nice to see Bob in action too !
  8. I've come across a few mole men, who include placing the 'bait boxes' for rats. It's no bad thing,......& i know what your saying here, but your doing the right thing, i reckon.
  9. Well mate, i get where your coming from,...but i think anybody's far wiser, to branch out from the moles, to include dealing with the other pests, too. ( commercially) It just makes sense.(believe me, i recognise this,.) In my case too, it would have been better. (& for all the obvious advantages of it) i probably had a chance at one time , but through lack of interest, & laziness too, if i'm honest, it's still mainly moles for me. So good on you all, for it, & i reckon it's definitely the right way to go.
  10. "I'll be in shorts all year round generally,. can't stand trousers for some reason" ?,....blimey, i wasn't far off about conditions 'down south' then ,.....& you would never get away with that up here with the amount of sheep & cow shite around. Iol ,......(never mind the weather !) ,.......would you be much of a non kneeler then, also ?
  11. Aye, it's not always easy to 'make ends meet' when you just specialise in moles alone, mainly ?,......(like myself)
  12. Truth be known , just my ill thought out dimensions, for the wee spade, hence the result here,...lol & the dibber not quite what i had in mind originally, but the blacksmiths compromise wasnt bad,....lasted a fair bit longer than the wee spud, at least,....
  13. So do you still use your half-barrels (Bethel Rhodes ?) too then ? ?
  14. Interesting post , & pictures here. It's good (of course) for this section too, remember ? (I think, anyway) How does the price of this version compare with the genuine Talpex, for you ...just out of interest ? (Never mind me, cause nobody's got anything to prove here,...?)
  15. I know i said I'm done here, ...but I meant too answer this, "what exactly is your point in this thread? Is it to big up your friend Jeff?" ,......well, i dont agree with absolutely EVERYTHING that's put , regards him here, & I'm not shy to say,..& "big up" ? ,....the man doesn't need it, lol.....& "I don't pretend to be the big man or the best at it" ? ,.....so WHO does ? ?,......cause I've not come across any 'big man' on here, or anyone who says their the "best at it" ? ?,....end of the day ive been on here long enough , & have never cared about being part of any 'in cr
  16. Not this time ! , when I was rounding off here ? (genuinely)
  17. Honestly, i know you won't believe me, but i actually wasn't ? (on this occasion, i usually say if i have been ,..)
  18. ??,....do you know i actually did notice that, a few hours ago ! ha ha (but the poor sod it was aimed for knows !)
  19. & really just a proper 'bampot' you actually turned out to be here ! ?? honestly,...(look it up, good Scottish insult that !) lol
  20. You only 'showed yourself up' ultimately, & don't ever think youll get away with taking a f***ing 'liberty' with me , (or are you that stupid, or something)
  21. Now you boys are holding me back from settings traps, (& god knows im slow enough anyway lol),.....so are yous going to let me retire from this thread here, finally , & I might let yous off the hook ? lol,......or are yous still 'spoiling for a fight' ? ?,......cause i will 'bring it',.....& it can all get 'ugly' again ! ha ha ha
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