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Everything posted by earth-thrower

  1. Yes, YOU should stick to them. ? & them moles are defrosted now, so it's not worth your while sticking them back in the freezer , this time ! ??,......good too hear from you, again.
  2. Thanks for the info,....as i say £20 for that ! ,.& do you know i enquired about another peg , & was told no ,.....only one provided ?,....these are the supposed ones the guy talks about on You Tube, and it's a relative or something that supplies them for folk over here ? (on eBay) ,......you won't be surprised to hear, that he got 'dogs abuse' off me , & ive also had a right go at the guy on You Tube ages ago too,......& all he could do was keep his responses to me, while all my criticisms have been deleted ??,......cheers anyway, but I'm afraid they will be getting tossed.
  3. Nah, their not for me,.....& put it this way , if that was the ONLY trap we had for moles,......then i would certainly pack it in ! ?
  4. Well , well, well,......ordered a pair of 'steel' ? Putange. (big mistake ! ?) for reference & to handle them , etc,..... £20 ?? f***ing ridiculous price , for what they are ? Basically poorly designed , & the most difficult , awkward mole trap too set. There's no way i'm even attempting to set & install that shite in the ground, after any mole ! ?,..........& I've also damaged one trying to set the bloody thing, so probably won't get my money back, for them ! ??
  5. I think I read that the fleas on moles, are regarded as the largest ones going ? ,...can anyone confirm, please ?
  6. I've only had the odd one with lots of fleas, but generally just some moles , where you'll maybe see the odd flea on them.
  7. Aye, a remember you mentioning before. Who'd have thought that could happen ? Bet you got a bit of a surprise, on discovering that ? Iol.
  8. Do you generally get alot of rain, or not, where you are trappa ?,.....i think cause we get that much of it throughout the year here, the moles still found the damp spots, even in the long dry summer we had last .....(possibly even helped them somehow ! ,.....cause im still a little surprised, at the amount of activity),....never had as hot & dry a summer in these parts , for a long time.
  9. Aye, ave noticed that too, how the mole activity can vary, from year to year. Still setting the odd wood barrel , along with the Duffus mate. Trouble is they are more time consuming to set, when your busy,....? (PM you there)
  10. Good stuff, then ! ,...i did read the odd press report about alot of moles found dead on the surface, etc , as a result of it, at the time,.....cheers, for the reply.
  11. Just wondering if anyone has noticed a difference in the amount of moles, on their patch ?,...because of the long dry summer we had. I was guessing numbers would be down, where i am. But im pleased to say, i was wrong about that ! lol cause there seems to be more about, on a fair amount of ground here, compared to the same time last December/January ?
  12. Even though it's not my field, ........its a really interesting topic, to read. ?
  13. & also, it sounds like you've got enough traps to start with, until your satisfied with your capture rate.
  14. If your really keen & interested, & stick at it, you SHOULD get more efficient , as time passes. (dont let yourself get too disappointed from empty traps, sprung & unsprung, bunged with with soil, etc where it occurs, try & learn from it)
  15. "The chap who does the moles round here is in his 86th year" ,..... wouldn't be a bad idea to try & become acquainted with him , you know what i mean ? ?(especially, if your the friendly, sociable type,....im still like that myself , deep down,....ha ha ??)
  16. As a per mole rate, £10 is good (for farmland),....& those scissor types, if they are the heavier/Eliza Tinsley style ones, well , they may well benefit from the "Walcot Farm" treatment ! lol,.......& "how many traps might i need to catch three moles per day+?" ??,.....it sounds as if youve got more than enough already,......?
  17. Not too much wrong with the "Duffus flat packs" ability to capture,...
  18. "Just so we're clear they aren't my catches" ??????,...................aye, a don't think any versions ive looked at before, are British made either,...and i remember they ALL had various problems !
  19. Oh dear, ?, your terrible here with the duffus type, & i can see now, why you had to switch to another kind of trap ! ?? ,....right , in all seriousness it's not great is it ? ,.......& after inspecting this trap that I've got,..... im not that impressed,.....?
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