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Everything posted by earth-thrower

  1. After all I wasn't going to go back to the scissors ! (Eliza style or Fenn) & I forgot how you mentioned about how "humane" the wee Fenn was , before ? ?
  2. Correct , or that humane (in my opinion) & they filled a gap, when i had no decent Duffus at the time. Hence i only used them one season ?
  3. On the contrary mate, i strongly feel that you've been constantly trying to prove their worth to me here ! (honestly),....& Jeff's , well entitled to his opinion, ok ?
  4. Iol,.....now I don't mind this one , Clive, & your right, THAT'S WHAT I CALL SETTING A MOLE TRAP !
  5. Oh dear, Clive , i didn't take you for being so niave , too ? ? (try harder next time !)
  6. I could well have emailed them, although I'm not sure how recent, & what about it ?..in fact I was probably prompted to when I read the selling jargon ! & yes i bought premium to have them in the flesh , & it confirmed for me , i would never want to use them ? ,.....you should be chairman of the new club, cause you might not be up to the 'trainer' role ? ?? (i reckon)
  7. Its irrelevant Clive, i really don't need them, or rate them as much as yourself, & you described what they really are well , there !! ? ,....please stay (& I will go) i reckon you'd be prime candidate for the role of president , for the formation of the new UK Putange mole trappers club,.....(im too much of a traditionalist for any of that nonsense ! Iol)
  8. Just like a couple of giggling (cowardly ) schoolboys, we have with the repetitive emojis here ! Iol , it seems,.......
  9. To be fair to yourself & the seller, I was unconvinced when I was told they weren't "genuine" & were "copies" & "fakes" , cause i genuinely couldn't see yous involved in that , but this half-wit & co, on here ? were tellling me otherwise, & I did eventually express this to the seller too ?
  10. & no doubt you may have educated some, with your films ?(which is fair enough, but not me , im afraid ),.....& I already questioned or criticised some general advice you gave on the film's (not regarding Putange, I will stress), & it got wiped !
  11. Correct, i asked for a tenner refund , cause I followed instructions , & that was the result in the photo ?( & thanks for confirming some may have a fault ),......I thought that was fair , & I would still have the other for reference at least ? ,......also I have returned goods before by post /courier & have had problems. & that's right I questioned some stuff you put, as regards your videos , what about it ? ,....& i don't give a f**k what your opinion is of me, & you can try and condescend me here, all you like, but i won't be having it from you ? (your talking t
  12. Well, well , well, another expert returns,...lol welcome back Clive ?,..you be careful here, what your saying about "threatening emails" ???,.....cause i requested to return them in person, since I travel up and down to England about a half dozen times a year ???,so don't you mislead here ! ?...& it was one or two 'fools' on here who insisted they were "fakes" ! ,...so no wonder I was annoyed , & that's right far to dear £20, for what i got ! ,......oh , but now your confessing there may be a slight fault with some , after all ? ,.....aye, too right, just look at my picture ! ,.....&am
  13. Ha ha,...pretty good that ! ,..& just look at the views these threads attract, when it's arguing & insults, etc ? (sad aint it ?) over 11,000 now, for the 'Putange Mole Trapping' thread ,....? (good laugh,.....but you can only have so much fun , i reckon,......some members (I'm sure ) don't like it,.....& you do have to consider that,....& my times drawing near to depart , once & for all, i feel anyway,.....I started off on here getting into trouble a long while ago, by a MOD who didn't have a clue ,.......then I got sensible for so long,.......but I had to end up lettin
  14. I know what your saying about the tunnel trap, & it's hard to completely avoid,.....but if you look at them photos of mine, no belly catches,.....? but , to be fair the Duffus type, could be improved upon, & i would hope it is possible. (old Jeff is definitely onto something, trying to come up with changes, in that regard at least,.....although that doesn't mean im recommending any of his versions, so far, necessarily)
  15. Well, I've been favouring them stainless ones from Flat pack, now ?
  16. I'm still on foot over the farmland , & set nowhere near 200 traps, in the week ? (maybe that's why I'm still skint ! ),.......i always try & get £10 , as a per mole rate (agricultural) Depends though , you have to knock the price down sometimes if there is alot of moles on the ground. (nothing wrong with catching in gardens, still using your skills to catch em, & sometimes can be even trickier to get them, depending on the situation.)
  17. Aye , your right, handy for a mole running under them slabs , just like your Putange I'd bet ?
  18. I used the trapline only, for one whole season, cause my half - barrels were done, & when I tried to order more (barrels) the quality had went right downhill , from my usual supplier,.....(then i eventually found ones I was happy with) Took me a good while to try & get used to the trapline too, & to achieve a similar catch rate as I did with the Duffus. Overall, they werent that humane, i discovered (for me) & a poor substitute for my half barrels.
  19. Most (if not all ? ) the commercially produced mole traps available, you can catch with , just depends what an individual gets on with best, or prefers ?
  20. Your right, far too f***ing dear ! & £20 for a pair, (cause they are meant to be better than the normal ones ?) f***ing rip off !
  21. Just noticed Jeff's new book, on there, ......contains alot of detailed content of the ways of working, of the old mole catchers , of yesteryear, including the evolution of the old traps, etc,........(right up my street, that sort of stuff !) ,......i really enjoyed those chapters,....
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