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Everything posted by earth-thrower

  1. Really mate ? Certainly didnt know that. Interesting.
  2. I was wrong about the Talpex & Putange. ( but hey, i kinda knew) They are both well, up to the job. Once i started paying them, attention.
  3. no mate, not old , but old enough for you,..
  4. "refusing to go to them",...you DONT bother me enough, mate ? ,....what you gonna do ?,...cause im 'shaking in my boots here" lol.....it was me that OFFERED you, IF your bothered ?,...
  5. oh dear,.....patronising tendencies,...ah well
  6. friend of mine up here ,quite dedicated, trying to get any awkward ones,...lamp shy & all that ? (& he still prefers shooting them on the lamp, rather than night vision, apparently ?)
  7. Well, seen enough of it done, on the ground & the consequence ?,...but im no fan of guns, & the itchy trigger finger , brigade either, for that matter, although nothing personal,...
  8. snaring ?,....i have been trying it mate,...& very late too it, i am,....poor old coneys,...what happened to them all these days ? ,..right art that is,...& i knew f**k all, & still need life time of practise, i bet,...too late probably
  9. dont appreciate that comment , either,....
  10. dropping foxes ? ,...all too easy, mostly, from what ive witnessed ? maybe, the only thing you could drop , right enough ? ha ha ha
  11. No, sorry ,your wrong. im no different to path your taking. only no internet, & advice, etc, everywhere ,like now ? made all the mistakes, best i got was a couple o tips over the phone , from an english pro, when at my wits end. lol. Everybodys entitled to go moling,...& its encouraging to see folk, getting better at it,etc ( even yourself ?,...didnt fail to notice your getting better & more experienced,...its all good,... you dont know me,...ive helped 3 or 4 lads,..competitors they are too now , by f**k ! ha ha) & of course im not gonna turn up at your door ? your never gon
  12. Your still a f****n amateur/novice, as well,..so don't think otherwise, & delude yourself,.....since you want to push it
  13. Your still doing too much talking,...& "Simpleton" ?,..a shouldn't say, but that was ALWAYS what I genuinely more or less thought was a fair description of your general ramblings on here ?,...the offer will ALWAYS be there mate, if you'd rather discuss in person,..I'm in Greenock,...when your back up to your old stomping ground !
  14. Mate, I feel the same your an annoying wee git, lol & you talk too much, sometimes,....& your not any HL spokesman, either,..you ain't got the calibre, for that,..so don't think it ! ?
  15. & "Know-all" ,..I only learnt over the long years, I've been at it,..& no more expert, than anyone else,..
  16. Strange, that. I don't drink at all, now,...& only had a 'binge' on it,..that time,..to help me deal with bereavement. So I'm generally a sober person,..& always have been ? (Occasional social drink, on a rare night out, before Covid, the exception ?) & I honestly don't know anyone personally , on the THL Forum ?,...so tell the person he can see me personally anytime , regarding it ? ,...& the same goes for you ya wee f****n mouthpiece,...when you come back up the rd, call by Inverclyde,...
  17. "F..k all this pointing faults out but not telling folk where they are going wrong" ??,....why didn't you address it & try & help then ? ,...afterall, your giving out advice, are you not ?,...f..k that's how I commented ,..cause you, or whoever else, didn't bother, which surprised me a bit ?
  18. & waistcoats, hats, ladies coats, etc. Earlier molecatchers, could make as much off, good skins, at one time, as getting paid for catching them, ive been told.
  19. Aye mate, can be a problem for farmers, golf courses, gardens , amenity land, etc,....when numerous,...& they often are. Funny, ive just skinned a load of so called good 'winter clears '( for a change, after doing this 27 year ,now) which is moles in winter pelts, & fur is at its thickest, etc. They are in the freezer, but i aint got a clue yet , how to cure / tan them , or whatever ? lol
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