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Everything posted by earth-thrower

  1. Matt the Rat, off here,..... (who chucked this site, at least a couple o year ago now) was a real advocate , of the original Duffus trap design. So much so, that there was serious discussions & potential plans, to get some modern copies, produced. Sadly, it all didnt come to fruition.
  2. Thinking about it..... its personal preference, whether you make just one adjustment to the duffus type,....or ALL the tweaks, you can, etc,...depends, what your results are with them, i suppose ?
  3. I assumed, he just set them all, without modifying them ? lol
  4. Some catchers squeeze the trigger loop, a bit, to try and avoid, that.
  5. & you wont get much better advice than that folks, for altering the duffus type, to help improve capture rate, or address any humaneness issues. Only thing i would add is, when i used Bethel Rhodes , half barrels, the trigger latch hooks, were a bit too long, so i would often reduce them slightly , with snip pliers. Dont have to do this so much now, with the Flat pack, ones, though. (although it might apply to some other duffus style makes, im not sure ?)
  6. This latest version, with that new trigger ?,...if so, i agree.
  7. Forgot to add, nobody pay that price, adverised, in that advert. You can purchase for less than half that, elsewhere !
  8. If you aquire a couple, & get them in the ground, id be curious to see what kind of results, you get with them ?
  9. Thanks for showing, mate. Interesting, seeing the different trigger variations, on these.
  10. "Talpex are the daddy pal",....Aye, a tend to agree with you, now. ?
  11. Wouldnt mind having an "original", right enough,...
  12. As the others have expressed, the scissor mole trap isnt the first choice, for most mole catchers, nowadays (with its two different spring types, that perhaps could be manufactured, stronger ?). But, at one time it was them & the half barrel type, mainly, only at your disposal. Ok, there was the Fenn loop type for a while, & the smaller Fenn scissor, too. Now, the fenn loop type, a dont rate highly,...shame really would have liked it to have been better,..compact little trap, that it is too. More powerful spring maybe, for starters. That new trigger modification (since they brung the t
  13. Aye, the farm boys,...lol theres another moley appears with the quad, on my patch, every year,.. & they try and 'stir' & wind me up, etc.... "He doesnt need to come up this far, near you, etc, do you want us to puncture his tyres, or start nicking his mole traps" ? ? (im still on foot, like) lol,.....a says " NO, a f****n dont !!, what do you think , i am ?",....(they would do it , an all ! ?) the guys entitled to work , just the same as me, & he isnt deliberately trying to 'stand on my toes' or anything, lol.
  14. "If the Anti brigade start lobbying parliament with such pictures then i can see mole trapping being banned outright" ,....Well, am not as concerned as i once was, perhaps, about the anti brigades, lobbying ,etc,....a mean if a government, can decide to approve the LARGE SCALE SLAUGHTER ,? of what WAS, one of our most protected wild mammals, the badger,.....you have to question how much 'clout' the overall movement, actually has, when it comes down to it ?
  15. Aye well, of course, i get , where your coming from,..but, does that also mean the practise, should now be prohibited ?
  16. Ignorant, Plods, again, ffs !,....Far, as im aware, it isnt illegal, & these obvious half - wits in uniform, have no authority, to try & insist on this. They need to consult, with their own 'wildlife liason officer' (which should put them right,...although probably just as 'thick' , regarding the matter, i would bet ?) for a start !,... I really hope the said 'catcher' carries on, regardless !!
  17. There is a bloke on You Tube,..he traps the moles, & the rats, shoots the corvids & squirrels, etc,..for the farmer. Travels there & back on a 'push bike' , too ?,...a says "why aren't you charging the farmer, for moles". (for a start ?),..."ach , am just glad to be out in the fresh air, with this scenery, & the wildlife, etc" ,..he goes. I mean, the guys putting in alot of effort,etc,..farmer, must think 'this is great' !? ffs,... ,any payment, would help pay for the boys gear, surely ? ,...& I also gathered, it wasn't as if he didn't need the money ?,...him & another
  18. ?, Well , a once thought France, would perhaps be ideal, for a mole catcher, to set up ? (probably still is ?),...cause of the amount of potential new catchers, the mole catching , organisations, in the UK, were 'fast tracking' & churning out,....(seemed to becoming swamped, with them ! Iol),...but it seems the French Mole men , have cottoned on ???,...& are now providing training , etc,...(well, so I heard ?),...(I'm personally not one for abroad, mate ?,..but deffo , be good , for the right person ?)
  19. I must say,...what a great opportunity, for somebody,...your advertising there , Clive. Would need to be someone, as conscientious, as yourself, & your approach, to the job,..i would imagine ? But, any suitable candidate, would have a good mentor, in you,..(if required) & would certainly help , them along. atb, with it.
  20. Good advice, that. Its a mistake to undervalue, yourself & sell yourself, short. (i learned that, the hard way, years ago) Soon as your catching, more than your missing (tripped, empty traps/ soil filled,etc, traps) charge for it !
  21. Good questions, too. ive covered alot of that stuff in my posts , over the years, so dont want to bore anybody again, with it. Hey listen , your a good trapper already, but i think your gonna end up a really, good moleman. Your interest & enthusiam, is there, & i agree with you fully, Talpex & Putange is now saving me, valueable time, on alot of sets/situations, so i know where your coming from ? atb (genuinely) in the end,
  22. Anyway, sorry to the rest of you, for the bollocks, i helped to cause,....a will depart now from THIS thread & forum, for another long while, hopefully ? lol
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