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Everything posted by earth-thrower

  1. Mate, your naive , if you think your overwhelming denigrating tone, throughout, all this, is gonna bother me, & as I say , WHO are you ?, I'm asking,... all this Internet talk, aside, & let me know when you've bought his video, a can't wait for your expert analysis, of it ? ?
  2. & your "self taught " & been at it OVER 30 yrs,...coincidentally ?,....well , there you go then,...?
  3. My point is that I've also learned, stuff, from Jeff's work, etc,......
  4. Your first five points ?....i already stated to you previous, that i don't necessarily subscribe to all Jeff's aims, intentions, & so called standards etc,....& some other points a will need to get confirmed, before I accept ALL of them, second hand, etc,...& the Putange, aye, a tried it , & it can catch well, but equally it has its faults, too,...& the "mole welfare" aspect is incorporated into a longer video, that is currently available. So who am I talking too, then ? ,....who are you ?
  5. & actually there are others running courses, & charging plenty (surprised you were unaware)
  6. & am still waiting, are you a member or associated, with a mole catching body/ group, or not ?
  7. & there's probably a reason or two, for that, right enough !
  8. Seems the smart ones, who realise the best way to make money, from "molecatching" is to run courses & sell traps ! & accessories, etc,......rather than the hard work of actually doing the job, full time !! ??
  9. You sure your not Paul ???,...lol,....(& if I believe you, does he engage on here at all ?)
  10. So NOBODY else is making "money", from moling "courses" & "selling useless bits of tat",...or actually equipment ? (like your friend Paul ? ?,..incidentally a purchased some different traps from him, before, to see what all the fuss, was about, etc ),....
  11. Oh, resorting to insults,.....rather than answer ? ?,.....tells me something, don't it ?
  12. & what "association" are YOU a member of , may I ask,...& what 'Facebook' group or whatever, do you contribute too, etc ? ,.....just out of interest ? ??
  13. That first paragraph,...really ??,...& Jeff, has no "knowledge" ?,....so, that's what your gonna put to me, (self taught mole catcher of nearly 30 yr) here, seriously,...but your more than willing to fully endorse HIS trap type ? ??..& 'Pest Stop', "disassociated " themselves from him ?,...aye, well what does that REALLY say about them then ? (would have liked them to try that shite with me,...if i was 'in his shoes' ! ???)
  14. Well, you really took the "BAIT" again, pal !! ??,.....& let me ask you straight,....are YOU Paul Stanford ???,....& the next question is,......am I gonna let you 'trigger' me again, here,????,....nah, I'm not gonna repeat myself all over again, (just like you have, here ?),......apart from reiterating, the fact that , I'm independent,....always have been,...& never been interested in membership, of any of the so called 'mole catching organisations' ! ,....& am 'too long in the tooth now' ,...to give a f..k, about being part of any ' molecatchers in group, etc' ?....you can al
  15. Sorry, I tried to edit, a couple of words there ???
  16. Cheers for your post, mate,...can I ask what's 'candy apples' a nickname for ?
  17. "as for pest stops they are a damn good trap" ,....& as far as am aware,..'Pest Stop' is STILL a slightly modified version of the Duffus/ half barrel, trap,......& would you know who's responsible for these improvements ? ?
  18. Aye, a used them for years, until I eventually need a few more, but then quality had dipped, i felt,....
  19. Went a wee trip recently, see if we could gather some mussels, for the pot. Lucky, for us, the spot my old man's neighbour, had been 5 years, previous, was still 'holding' ?,.....haven't done this for about 35 year, myself,.....so here's a few photos of my 'pops' & his neighbour, i took, on the day,....
  20. Sorry, I replied there, before you,....aye mate, really good, your friend really has introduced his own 'tweaks' & further refined the design. Clever chappy ! ?,...hey, a need to get someone to fit these springs on some new wooden ones, I got made, & finish them off a wee bit,...then I will dish a few out, & your welcome to one ?
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