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Everything posted by longdog13

  1. Ha Ha nothing like making a rod for your own back, thats how separation anxiety starts calms them down better then each nite move it further and further away, until partially out of sight. the dog is just associating making a noise lets it out. you cant tell them off for being a puppy.this pup hasnt long left its mother and it will settle better being close to some one, there master. its part of crate training for pups. as for anxiety through seperation - its a pup you cock, you can seperate more and more eachday Do you really wanna go down the name calling route brave boy? Know a
  2. Ha Ha nothing like making a rod for your own back, thats how separation anxiety starts
  3. Well, following the sad death of my Mk1 locator, i decided to give up on the idea of replacing like for like and have gone and bought a Mk3m with two collars off of flea bay, (Brand new no less!!) So when i finally work out how to use it i'm sure i'll be set for the future . Bloody good price too, Under 190 posted 24hr delivery i don't know why any one would buy direct from Deben, They are Sooo Expensive.
  4. I was picked up by the arse in the jaws of a deer hound when i was 6!! and bit in the face by a shepherd at 21, i won that one in the end but it did well, i had a hole above my eye and a hole under my chin. Bled well too.
  5. RIP Bramble mate. Couldn't believe it when i read it. Gutted for you mate.

  6. well im not going to sell him . at least i am honest about bailey and hold my hands up and say i messed up wonder how may of you would say that but i forgot everyone on here is perfect and never got rid of a dog then got another thats why in for sale it says things like swap my dog for a terrier or lurcher so im not the only one only god will judge me .not people on a hunting site And now , surprise surprise, we see '[NO TEXT TALK] for Paddy' on yer profile :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:
  7. BLOODY HELL STABBS, has that dog got any goat in its lineage? 1/2 goat 1/2 army blanket Keep it under wraps, thats a cracker :secret:
  8. BLOODY HELL STABBS, has that dog got any goat in its lineage?
  9. Nice looking dog mate There you are then fella
  10. Stunning mate, :clapper: great to see. I look forward with interest to see your pick's progress
  11. Ah the Visla Cob, i've heard they can be a little hard mouthed
  12. His sire is 3/4 grey 1/4 Bull Dam is Bull X Whippet/Grey
  13. It may be balinitis mate, it's a general term for complications with the sheath or bell end. usualy they advise washing with saline solution, weak salt water, the vet may prescribe an ointment but it can be re occuring due to the licking issue. let us know how you get on mate.
  14. Shame i moved back here , or i'd certainly of offered a hand Unfortunately the wife is less than enthusiastic about moving back Atb mate
  15. Well said Stubby a contradiciting statement if you ask me, you say its ok to use ferts like they did 30yrs ago, yet admit to having a snipped hob, surely something they wouldent have done 30yrs ago, yes years ago the ferreted without locators, but ask WHY I would imagine because they did'nt have the money, it was more to put food on the table, than a pastime as it is now, back then money did'nt come easy, christ some people that live off the state get more money than me as a full time worker, so you cant even really use money as an excuse, at the end of the day though, its
  16. ATB with your search fella Try and get references from peoples existing , and call them. Hope it works out well for you mate.
  17. i agree with u pal. But im no one to want a locator, takes the fun out the game i think. Ferreting is a waiting game. More oftern than not my ferrets come out they work the holes pretty well and they give you a sure sign nobody is home under ground cos they pop back up right away! Before i think about buyin a collar i would like to see one in use to see the difference. Have you noticed any differnce with the way they work While wearin a collar? FM eeejit :wallbash: :wallbash:
  18. I will do Brimmer mate His training has gone from strength to strength, and a real pleasure to have around. The fact that he's pegging netted bunnies after two teaching trips has really given hope to a bright future. Plenty of posts next season i'm sure Atvb LD13
  19. well guys, a beautiful day saw me head of to One of the many many holiday parks! I went with Jamie93 off here. We took my four ferrets, and Jamies Hob. Unfortunately J's hob didn't see any work due to him being of the hard variety and needs to be dug to after a kill, And that doesn't work well when ferreting under chalets! We started with a simple 1 holer under a chalet, above the concrete base. My bew jill in , one swift rabbit out. Number 1 in the bag, number 2 came from a longnetted chalet after being evicted by all 4 putting the pressure on Then off to show our faces outside
  20. Bloody hell, i can't believe i've only just seen this post :wallbash: :wallbash: I'll definitely be looking to come to the next event. I'm so peed off i missed it. Bloody nice weather for it too.
  21. 4 of mine were early stages last week. be about a month and they;ll be all over the place
  22. I hope so mate, there's a fair bit of work waiting for him next season
  23. Lol, Thanks for the reminder. I'm sure we'll do ok Fingers crossed
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