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Everything posted by longdog13

  1. Saw this and had to share it, Sod catching that bugger :icon_eek: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/5/20100709/tod-shell-shocked-angler-catches-giant-t-870a197.html
  2. Here's one of my one, same breeding, long gone now but yours reminded me of him. He was a really very fast dog and would scoop up hares no problem. He took to fox quite well too. back in the day.
  3. Nice kits, hope they do well for you, even the ones without the dark face never judge a kit by its colour and all that All the best with them matey
  4. Goooood Mornin. Beautiful day it is too.

  5. Just got back in, loads of fox's about, plenty of wee cubs too

  6. Whats I-R-O-N-I-N-G? im sure i've heard the missis mentioning it.....

  7. Turkey and marmite sarnie, mmm yeah!!!!

  8. I use the same they drag out what they dont want when its a bit hotter Spot on, i find shavings heat them up a little too much at this time of year, it doesn't help that they all insist in piling on top of each other in the bed boxs'.
  9. ER NO Ferrets are mustalid family, not Feline Also, frontline spray is the vet recommended treatment for ferrets.
  10. Frontline spray will deal with internal and external parasites
  11. use ones boxer shorts, tear at the gusset and they slide right off, simples
  12. Give me a small lurcher if you have one,
  13. you can say that again, even the rabbits on the site can be approached to within 3-4 feet!!!
  14. Zoflora is a good remedial Spray for their living quarters. it used to be really quite expensive, but even pound shops are selling it now
  15. true true, i've fed ferrets on fresh gull when living on the coast in north wales, the ferrets seemed to enjoy it.
  16. true true, i've fed ferrets on fresh gull when living on the coast in north wales, the ferrets seemed to enjoy it.
  17. I was at work and walked out of the kitchen to find this little bugger looking for my lunch. a swift clap of the hands and away he went, not far though. I believe it's due to the ladyz that work there bringing chicken thighs every day for them has made them lose their fear. Dopey sods.
  19. IT IS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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