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Everything posted by ben2

  1. yes they do like me as do all females after i have got them drunk lol yes i have the blue pipe running down mate ben
  2. just a pic of the girls iam the big girl in the middle ben
  3. just when they look to long then i just nip the ends off . i give them some puppy milk to drink which they love so its not a bad job. ben
  4. i am on there to talk to friends not you tossers only joking :11:
  5. very nice mate lots of fun for then there. ben
  6. nice to see the better half out with you , good looking lady too . also handy to carry the gear lol ben
  7. i loved my action man when i was a kid couldnt get my boys into them proper boys toys ben
  8. you will learn more then what you think worth the money ben
  9. yep will die off soon mate can you wait to cut your hedge. ben
  10. no mate ,rat gun if you ask me i have one.
  11. damm if you cant swap it can i have first offer i am in need of one thanks ben
  12. i thought the best way would be to remove all the crap gut leave the liver etc in remove head then cut in half if you only have a couple of ferrets otherwise you would have to much left over after a day and it woild be wasted. freeze to kill off any parasites first then feed a half each day. if you have more then two ferrets you could put in a whole one ben
  13. dont normaly post on this page but i thought i would share this with you. went fishing for a couple of days lovely fry up on single stove and tinned stew and soup for dinner and custard for dessert. only got one and the boy got one (on my rod lol) but they were both pb,s for us just over a twenty a seventeen good few days wish we had more fish . ben
  14. i think its the first time i have knocked one out over an avatar lol site what site iam blind. ben
  15. good to see the boy out with yer. ben
  16. its an over spill to let water out if needed ben
  17. yes my fat lab :11: she is a little angle and does like chaseing the bunnies have to watch her round any small animals now ben
  18. me and my boy out this morning. we only got two in the nets and the dog was right on to them i let the two girls have a go at them after i had necked them as this is there first year a good few hours. ben
  19. is it a ferret, of course it is or it wound,nt be on here it would be in general talk. ben
  20. nice job mate loads of fun ben
  21. would all the groupies please pm me so i know who you are and can take you out hunting one by one to give you all my experteaseee. thank you ben :welcomeani: :tongue4:
  22. we are on a roll Paul Flatman Ltd Greenacres Packards Lane Colchester Essex CO6 3AH ben just worked for the one but these people are tight buggers so good luck.
  23. its all coming back to me now worked in the chicken processing area on maintanance for ten years lol J W Diaper & Sons Haughley New Street Suffolk, IP14 3JN Tel: 01359 240217 Fax: 01359 242160 ben
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