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About ben2

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 02/10/1970

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  • Interests
    pest control shooting ferretting

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  1. if you do stick your big ole arse on it when you have a brew make sure the air holes are on the sides not the top. ben
  2. still catching moles down the lake three today.

  3. well done kay, still building the pond got to cover the pump as yet . cheers mate ben
  4. I cant see a pic Ben blooddy hell cant upload them lol e mail it me & i will post it kayferret@yahoo.co.uk have emailed you.
  5. I cant see a pic Ben blooddy hell cant upload them lol
  6. grow from seeds by my fair maiden hands lol (made a nice pic) ben
  7. its the weekend gis a beer

    1. ben2


      still catching moles down the lake three today.

  8. both my jills went off for a three day shag ones now having a fag the other has this stupid grin on its face get them sorted mate. ben
  9. i have been quoted £5 per ml depending on weight for jab and a health check which you must have @£12. robbing bast-- ben
  10. great stuff mate they love running though the ole pipe cost me 60 pound for mine but was well worth it. ben
  11. no no no the blue pipe puts a nice bit of colour in the garden lol. as for the jills having a crap i noted that when they wake up they are much like us we pop to the loo so what i did was put one of those plastic corner things you can buy just outside there sleeping compartment in the corner and now they use it all the time and have never had a crap or wee in the sleeping area . they have a raised level for sleeping and do somtimes have a crap down below. ben
  12. going up on the sat-day should be a really nice day. ben
  13. i didnt have the money to do this all in one go the court the pipe just done it bit by bit. ben
  14. best to start with the location before you spend any dosh . will it be in an open windy area that may get to cold in the winter or will it be in a corner where it may become a sun trap in the summer . the wind blows really hard to the left hand side of the house so i didnt put my there felt they would get to cold in the winter and not want to come out and excerise . over the other side it was very hot in the summer so i didnt want them to over heat in the end i put it up the top end of the garden where i felt i could control the temp better means i have to walk further to feed and muck the
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