Hi guys.
When it comes to deer stalking i am a novice this will be my second year,I did the d.s.c.1 the cost however was a little more than i bargained for with travel cost and b/b this is in scotland by the way the 30 pounds for the book was a bit much i thought to start with,However i do think that the D.S.C.1 should be taken by all new comers to the sport i found deer identification there diet and habits ect ect a must,As for stalking itself i have a friend who has D.S.C.1/2 he tells me where i am going wrong and gives me good advice on where to look for deer useing the binos and taking ha
Hi Mole Trapper, Could you send some pics,I am very interested in buying the rifle ,I am located in the West Midlands dudley thank you.I will be in cornwall friday and saturday if your rifle is still for sale.i don`t know if i should do this but here goes 07747365108 m/b
hi mattydski,so what would be the best way for me to proceed to obtain the dsc1,& dsc2, do you have to have another liecence for a deer rifle,or would a talk with my firearms officer be the best way to go.