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Everything posted by seanc

  1. Got the chance to BBQ earlier this year as there wasn’t some drunken lump asleep on it. Great to catch up again Jo, see ye soon
  2. Not a single Lion sighting at all when Reg was on patrol
  3. Great to meet you Kev, TBob forgot his new trainers
  4. Good work Batman. see you in the morning ish
  5. Kev pre baited his swim in March, not with strawberry crab bait but with Kebab and garlic mayo (story to be told round a camp fire) Jo you will have to bring the wife as well I’m sure there should be a responsible adult present.
  6. You’ve seen the size of Bob ain’t you
  7. Don’t think there’s much chance of any leftovers buddy, not with northerners attending. See you Saturday mate.
  8. Well that’s the entertainment sorted for Saturday night then. Bring a fire extinguisher Bob.
  9. That’s better, see you Saturday
  10. Good morning, just doing a quick headcount on who will be there on the Friday. Plan on knocking some chinese grub up so need heads up on numbers. sean
  11. He said you can pitch your Ttent on his veranda.
  12. Enjoy buddy, and happy anniversary in advance.
  13. I don’t na wat that talkin abat T Bob
  14. If you were a younger man robbo I would have used the term “Pussy whipped”
  15. I’m the only one who will stay up with you drinking until it gets light
  16. In anticipation of this years comp he pre baited swim one with kebab chips & garlic sauce.
  17. I will be knocking a Thai green curry up for Friday night so bring your bowls with you or you'll burn your hands.
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