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Everything posted by adam5079

  1. The basic stalking fee was good - £50 but then £150 for shooting a cull buck. Who did you stalk with? Would like to know as Im know green eyed with envy!
  2. Ferreting is also better than shooting in many situations as it is more thourough, discriminating and safe in certain areas, like by a road.
  3. i just got 2 1 yr old ferrets. 1 hob 1 jill, both neutered, but I was told that they were too nice for working. Is this really true?? Can ferrets really be too nice for ferreting? They certainly don't seem too nice when foods between my fingers!
  4. I am newish to ferreting, and am not terribly wealthy (I'm only 15) do I really need to splash out on £150 worth of kit? Thanks Adam
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