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Everything posted by thehunter09

  1. get it shaved lad or get it waxed if shes a real woman
  2. spot on that matey.same for me.memorys an photos
  3. dont worry your not the only one i felt a strong need to see if it was real too an me
  4. Better not knowing mate. Tell yourself you got a bl**dy good deal and you'll sleep better lol.cheers about 150 quid i dint even pay that so looks like i got a deal
  5. Better not knowing mate. Tell yourself you got a bl**dy good deal and you'll sleep better lol.cheers
  6. looks smart mate.if i would av done it it would have ended up as a dogrun with windows.
  7. can any one tell me how much its worth with the to side windows cracked.its got a 4 birth awning with it.just bought it an want to see if i got riped off?
  8. can any one tell me were i can get new windows for this caravan cheers.
  9. cheers lads.so you think he will come round then.in time.
  10. thehunter09


    i have just got a new dog an its very timid.he will not come to me an he as allways got his head down.but he was fine with his last owner.how do i bring him out of his shell.cheers for any info.
  11. same problem round here mate its a nightmare
  12. nice bitch wat is she like deos she jump and retrieve rabbits has she seen any charlies she can junp but does not retrive.an has see some yes.she needs time puting in to her mate.
  13. doncaster Where abouts in donny. do you know stu(blue defender) dont no him mate.dont wana say to much mate you no witn all the dogs goin missing.nothing agenst you mate but you have to be carefull.
  14. does anyone no how i become a donater.cheers
  15. dont no mate but i no he bought it from bransley area at 8 weeks.southyorkshire mate
  16. this is my mates dog 5/8 3/8 bull greyhound bitch.shes about 22 month old an stands 24inc.shes only done day time work such as drawing.shes had a few.had a few rabbits a one of them long eared ones.she is bonkers this one an needs something big to calm her down.she is very head strong an very fast.just needs some time.pm me if intrested or ring 07552900130.cheers. £100
  17. so sorry to hear mate.but try an be strong for your young lad.
  18. xbox 360 60 gb hd brand new 3 games 1 wireless pad 3 month online membership.130 or up for a swop.for somthing?
  19. cheers mate.i dont see the problem ethier.
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