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About Panna

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday November 15

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    Russells and Fells. Work, health and genetics.

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  1. Seems like. But bad experiences may bring development! I am sorry that this time ULG couldn't come for a good boar hunt due to unforeseen circumstances, but I can report, that the hunting season in Hungary went great again, here are some pics of yesterday's hunt. 30 wild animals were driven to guns by (33) people and (14) dogs yesterday. Deers, moufflons, 1 fox, but mostly wild boars of all gender and age. ... Hope for next season. ATB, Anna Looks like you had another cracking day there Anna. I'm really pleased that your terrier is coming on well. I'll arran
  2. These bigger sized dogs are not used in hungarian hunts. But I must also say that we only have 1 lurcher breeder in all Hungary and for pointers and sighthounds there are other options for work. We have many terrier types (and their mixes), herding dogs and the wire teckel. YIS, Anna
  3. Well, we had ULG's lurcher with us last year. For bigger dogs, such as a pointer they say that they tend to be harmed easier due to their size, but they also allowed DnN's GWP to work. ATB, Anna
  4. Seems like. But bad experiences may bring development! I am sorry that this time ULG couldn't come for a good boar hunt due to unforeseen circumstances, but I can report, that the hunting season in Hungary went great again, here are some pics of yesterday's hunt. 30 wild animals were driven to guns by (33) people and (14) dogs yesterday. Deers, moufflons, 1 fox, but mostly wild boars of all gender and age. It was the 3rd day of a 3-days hunt, all in all 79 wild animals. The weather was great, not too cold and no rain. We drive on hills, but nothing that an average woman could n
  5. I like the swan very much! YIS, Anna
  6. breath taking pics! I love them! Well done, keep bringing us some more! YIS, Anna
  7. Haha, I've thought the same!! Anna
  8. If I had Canon, I would also have the 7D - and would wait for the price drop. Which Nikon equipment you would go for? ATB, Anna
  9. I've thought we could make a list of full sets (camera body + 2 lenses) for 1, low budget, new equipment 1a, low budget, second hand equipment (and maybe some explanation of what one gets for this price and what may he miss. Then everyone can make the math for himself) 2, middle budget, new equipment 2a, middle budget, second hand equipment (and maybe some explanation of what one gets for this price and what may he miss. Then everyone can make the math for himself) 3, higher budget, new equipment 3a, higher budget, second hand equipment (I mean to make the table bot
  10. Hello and welcome on the forum! YIS, Anna
  11. Thank you very much, Gentlemen! I hope it can help you all making better photos of your dogs in action! If something is not clear to you, or have further questions, feel free to ask. ps.: I am not native english speaker ATB, Anna
  12. ... Storage refers to memory card. Some cameras have double slot (D300s and D7000), which may be nice to have, but we can live without. Environmentaly sealed: may be useful as you may want to use your camera on the field, where there may be dust or some little rain. Battery life isn't described for D3100 and D5100, but if you do not use flash and don't look at your photos on hte LCD for long minutes, they will easily serve you on a day out. Weight: I would go for heavier, more sturdy cameras. I myself just sold my D7100 (similar to D7000) and bought a D300. Last, b
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