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Everything posted by brogan12345

  1. Hi, Are you only selling them to him?
  2. awesome pics mate looks like a good day out!
  3. no nothing bolted I was there with him there was loads of droppings and signs of them but none there.
  4. lmao never seen a ferret dance before lol
  5. looks like u cracked up a few then how many?
  6. lmao is his name popi thats my pet rabbit lol
  7. gutting unlucky mate what you gona say to your son lol
  8. Hi just started ferreting I realy like it. My frined is looking to get me a ferret now and just wondering if you have any old purse nets lying around you can give away for free??
  9. wa u meen get ride of all the snow its much easier to go ferreting in the snow lol
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