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Everything posted by elmafud

  1. nice lurtcher in the pic mate whats that.? bull/grey mate 1st x
  2. i like a 1st x. racey type the one i got is a allrounder and does everything i ask of her
  3. would mate but just got layed off and money is non excistant at the moment It will cost you far more to rear feed worm dock a litter of pups that you may have trouble seling you would be best to get the jab its only 15 quid here. was told 35 quid down here and by the time she drops i will be back in work got plenty of offers to work just got to wait for goverment vetting to go through 3 to 6 weeks thanks for all the advice tho lads........ atb elmafud
  4. thats elma fudd on the second pic,who actually did nt shoot any of em ha ha looks nothing like me
  5. if anything comes up i will keep you in mind fela your not that far from me......elmafud
  6. i know what you mean wolly (credit crunch) but we not talking small fortunes might leave her have them and then get her neuterd was thinking about getting rid of the dog (jrt) that had her, later in the year ive got three bitches and he dominates them way to much to the point where they turn round and give him a hideing lol and she do chuck a nice pup. and she should throw just 3 or 4 not like my bullx which had 11 cant go through that again....cheers lads for the advice...elmafud
  7. would mate but just got layed off and money is non excistant at the moment I know in my area the RSPCA have a place where they will neuter or spade your dogs and also i think give them the jab your talking about but at no cost in cases where people cant afford the stupidly expensive vets bills. Probably worth a try to find one in your area. Hughesey thanks for the advice mate.........elmafud
  8. would mate but just got layed off and money is non excistant at the moment If your unemployed, the PDSA may do it for free.. worth a call.. DL yeah they do it for free but you got have proof that you receive houseing benerfit. which i dont
  9. to far out for me lad.but wish atb elmafud...... what type of work you done with your terriers so far
  10. would mate but just got layed off and money is non excistant at the moment
  11. couple of beauts mate going to have your hands full there fela atb elmafud
  12. come home this afternoon and found my jrt out of his run and locked tight with my bitch (also jrt)dont know how he got out have my suspicions tho (my son) was going to breed this bitch in a year or so but not now cant handle any more pups this year, my bullx had 11 in september and that was a fecking nightmare lol
  13. two very nice dogs. atb elmafud
  14. i like a bullx as a fox dog (pre ban) but wouldnt mind a deerhound/greyhound cross
  15. my little jrt lol she has to be to keep up with the lurchers
  16. dosent matter if its stiff or not the way i do things is(everyone to there own) take feet off blade through fur on shoulder blades make slit and pull comes off in one go ideal for makeing dummies for the pups
  17. alright fela. there is this mith about the white lurcher but to be honest i think its an old wifes tale(so to speak) over the years ive run a white bull x and a white straight greyhound day and night made no diffrence to there quarry at all at the moment i run a white and black bullx which does me proud(local celeberity)lol so if the dog suits you go for it ........atb...elmafud
  18. sorry to hear that mate nothing worse than loseing a loved one....atb elmafud
  19. some nice looking dogs there lads. atb with them.......
  20. my mates nuttall dog gip (on the right) very game dog
  21. good thread lads enjoyed some cracking dogs you all have atb elmafud
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