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Everything posted by elmafud

  1. well done all but i rekon that res chapion lurcher is a little belta congrats dai and angie bet ur over the moon know i am lol
  2. puting up for a mate border lakeland bitch 3 year old works well to ground and will bush 150 no offers swansea south wales first pic she is the one on left second pic the furtherst one away
  3. was meant to go in for sale section oopps sorry
  4. she is the furtherst one in the first pic and the one on the left in the cage puting this up for my neighbour b/lakeland 3 year old works well to ground and will bush 150 pound no offers swansea south wales
  5. got some beauts there taffybull a.t.b with them mate
  6. nice dog jade a.t.b with him heres my first x
  7. welcome fella im also from south wales :welcomeani:
  8. 31 will be 32 next month feel a lot older tho lol
  9. hare was shot and retreived by dog
  10. how much we talking for one of these pups fela
  11. now that i will support
  12. i like to put a hook through there face and see how much fun they think it f***ing is cruel b**tards
  13. just been on facebook and theres a petition on there to stop france useing live cats and dogs as shark bait wats this f***ING WORLD coming to mun :crazy: anyone else heard of this
  14. lads im noy saying he is a full nutall patt / when my mate phoned me and asked me to put it on i asked his breeding he told me the dog has nutall pat lines in him so thats wat i put up just trying to help a mate out./jrt man myself / i have worked this dog to ground and so have a few lads around my way so would vouch for this terrier......atb .......elmafud
  15. pm me or come have a day out numty know this dog and would not back it for the sake of passing it on to someone else
  16. few more this dog works to ground only so any silly questions pm me...atb.....elmafud
  17. been asked to put this up for a mate so here go,s nutall patterdale for sale 150 pounds been out with this dog many times and does his job well.........southwales swansea
  18. my mates dog does the same wont release so i showed him how to do it press both sides of his mouth he will release straight away wont hurt the dog in anyway then make a fuss of him. job done ............elmafud
  19. you got two great looking pups there fela a credit to you .........elmafud
  20. everyone to there own but would never happen with me dogs home is easier........atb elmafud
  21. Are they decent workers? (the parents like) You'll have to sell them unless you've got some decent terrier lads to pass some pups on to maybe? f**k knows mate lol ? best of luck anyway. yeah both parents work well for me the bitch good bushing dog that will give 100% everytime the dog nuts if it moves its his
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