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About elmafud

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 06/05/1977

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  1. not the biggest only 25 but very game powerfull bitch
  2. all photos taken in wales my freind
  3. bred worker to worker earthpig no lines that i know of theres a few pups that go to freinds once in a blue moon that way we know wat we getting so to speak the dam and sire to the two blacks are very hard dogs and got great hopes for them atb elmafud......... south wales swansea mate
  4. real nice looking dogs you have there how are they go n 4 u? nice 1 fella all i can say is time will tell its red + tan first season 16 months but doing well the two blacks just 14 months so learning wat its all about lol atb elma
  5. hi all, kids asked me to take them fishing over the weekend but i had my lamping head on so asked them if they wanted to tag along so off we went to a bit of local permission not much about dogs bagged 4 and my mate shot the cub not a bad 2 hours out and the littleuns had a whale of a time keep asking me now when we going out next lol [attac hment=92175:wayne_dogs_053.jpg]
  6. we still have one every year floats local bands comedy bands and fete in the local park not as good as was a few years ago but kids still enjoy
  7. forgot i had these some nice dogs there that day
  8. the dog at the bottom smiles for the camera.. thats nice. he does like to smile for the camera heres one when he wernt looking
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