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Everything posted by jackfrost

  1. hers 2 more and 2 pups the pup with brown ears his out of the 2 on the couplinks them dogs look the nuts mate credit to ya love that pup... hers the father and his daughter and the pup on her owen
  2. hers 2 more and 2 pups the pup with brown ears his out of the 2 on the couplinks
  3. this my russell dog 18 months old hes doing ok long way to go yet though
  4. il see if i can get mine up dai jones lines quality bred stuff in the valleys where in the valleys r u from do ur dogs go back 2 dai jones billy or jack mate
  5. il see if i can get mine up dai jones lines quality bred stuff in the valleys where in the valleys r u from do ur dogs go back 2 dai jones billy or jack mate
  6. cheers mate i thought it was a stoat
  7. will send it by post mate just got 2 pack it well
  8. a mounted stoat on a log exlent cond paid 100 for want 50 for it miss hates its reason for sale
  9. cant seem 2 load the pic up saying pic 2 big if u pm a mobil number il send u a pic mate
  10. []a mounted weasel on a log 50 pound
  11. if u have trouble swaping it or saleing it mate il give u 2k for it mate
  12. hers 2 laki russells1 dog 1bitch both yong dogs
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