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Everything posted by basinator

  1. hi all. just looking for peoples opinions a a scope i have just bought.its a zeiss 6.5 20x50 conquest.oh and it cost £200,does that sound good to you more experienced shooters out there.or is it money down the pan. ive not got it yet hence the question.
  2. hi mate i have a sak mod on mine(cz 452 16 inch varmint barrell) and its so quiet it makes my air rifle sound like a centre fire.... so for me sak all the way.
  3. hi mate what sort of crop is the land owner growing....only im looking for some more land round my way and wondered if there was a better choice of land you seem to find more on than others depending on what is being grown,,only a thought as it could be a starting point in my search for more land. cheers lee
  4. couldnt agree more got a hawk on mine and its all you need get the right lamp and your away,never had any trouble....dont need to spend loads on a rimmy scope.
  5. hi all looking at nikon scopes.what do you out there rate these scopes....imparticular the monarch 2.5 10x50..mainly gonna be used for foxes with a 223... cheers guys.
  6. hi all.. slight problem if you can call it that... just about to get my new tikka 223 mainly gonna be used for fox and(when i start to do my own home loads....long range ground vermin)looking to get a leupold vx3 3-5 10x50 scope,firstly what do you lot out there think of this scope for the job in question.. socondly..it may be a while till i can gather the money for the scope so was thinking about taking my leupold vx1 off my hmr for now and using that till i can get the other,does anyone think the scope is up to the job in hand or do i stick it on a credit card and get the right set up no
  7. there will be plenty of people able to help you out with what you need this weekend,just make sure they are not just trying to sell you something.. would be an idea though if you had an idea of what you like and are used to...ie. browning,beretta....28" 30" 32" barrells etc. you could also see if some of the pros at the show could help if you can get there attention,(john bidwell) you shouldnt miss his demonstation he does every year,kinda throws gun fit and gun mount out of the window. just a few thoughhts for ya...good luck oh by the way have a look round first then whe
  8. hi there buddy, its seems to me that your've already made your mind up and deep down you want a change of gun,and i dont blame you for wanting something a little lighter for the field........so yes if i were you id look for something else, perhaps a tikka t3 light would be better,....plus it means you can go shopping again and thats always good when going gun shopping,...let us know what you decide.
  9. thanks fox dropper,the mud flats you are explaining is exactly what i am experiencing where i shoot and they are quite large areas.on top of eating the crops this could be another reason for this.
  10. no probs...there seems to be 10 plus at atime coming over from the fishery right next door and seen it for myself,and am only going by what he tells me,didnt seem to have any reason to dismiss his concerns,as i was only happy to help out,just wanted to know (moore) for my benifit ,and thought people with more experience could put me the on the right path,certainly dont want to kill for killing sake thanks lee.
  11. thanks for everyones replies positive and negative,it was only a question as i was unsure (to those who made sarcky comments.)
  12. hi all just a query regarding moorhens,as im aware there is a season in which you can shoot them.....my problem is that on my permission they are a real pest to the farmer and he wants them gone,fine by me but not sure where i would stand legally,would they be considered fair game as they are doing real damage to the crops or does the season times stand firm. again the question is ok or not. advise please. hope all was explained so the question was clear, thanks for your time.
  13. hi mate well first of all to aquire a fac for the kind of shooting i presume you want it for (ie Vermin etc) you will need the permission from the land ownwer of the land you wish to shoot over as this would be the reason you are asking for the calibre you are wanting,and have a real need to have one.and for that you will need his signature,Also may i add a couple of referees who could vouch for you(so i believe) then its a matter of wether the land is suitable or not.....now your local firearms officer would be able to tell you by looking over there records and checking if there has alrea
  14. the reason you'll get members telling you to go knock on doors is simple, your asking for "approacable" landowners, yet how does any member here, know how YOU conduct yourself, A LANDOWNER THAT THEY HAVE DEALINGS WITH, MAYBE APPROACHABLE BY THEM, BUT CHASES YOU SHOUTING "GET ORF MY LAND" it was constructive infomation, like everyone else on here that has got themselves permission, the worked for it, probably knocking on more doors than permission given, why would anyone on a forum say, yes go an see farmer so and so, tell him bert sent you, no one knows these new members from adam,
  15. give em a bell to see,no harm in that,they could just be busy,i know its hard when your waiting for something you want so bad,it will come.
  16. hi all wanting peoples opinion of how much you think is wise to spend on a scope suitable for use on a 223 and 243 for foxing and deer stalking, i am well aware that to spend well on a scope is a good idea and i could go mad on the money side of things,but how much is reasonable in serling, thanks for your feed back guys.
  17. hi all anyone willing to help out a newbe with a bit of rabbit shooting. we all have to start somewhere and asking on a site like this seemed like a good idea, certainly didnt want to come across as someone who wants something for nothing thats why although i cant offer a shoot in return for there generosity im willing to work as thanks or payment whichever way you look at it,im a builder so there maybe something i could help you out with.(just a thought)oh and i live in the south east of essex but willing to travel a bit anyway just a try,and thanks for reading. lee.
  18. hi there thanks for your comments,ideally i did want to get the 243 only and be done with it,but i have a stipulation stating i need an experienced shot with me at all times,where the 223 i do not,as im going to be doing a lot of fox shooting on my own permission thought i would get this first then try and get the stipulation off my fac at a later date,still get to go deer stalking,and it would be good to have my own gun,but its about wanting to get out straight away and the money factor of course(or i would buy both guns and set up now.....ha ha ha ha)cheers for the comments.
  19. thanks for your time and help its much appreciated,lot to think about but now have the basis to start from, thanks again lee.
  20. hi sam not sure that reply post got to you not that good with computers. as for budget maybe 500,as for the other question im not to sure,im afraid im in need of a little guidence. thanks lee
  21. hi guys just searching for a little help and opinions from some other forum users. just received my licence back with two new additions, a .223 and .243, so wanted to know what scope would be suitable for both rifles, im intending to get my .223 first which will be mainly used for fox,then the .243 which will be for deer and fox.looking to use the scope on the .223 then move it over to the .243 when i get one.so ideally looking to have really good scope for the .243 but will do what i need for now on the .223. hope this makes sense to all you other readers,i know what i meant a
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