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Everything posted by Branch

  1. Branch

    Off Road

    Cant fault the disco for getting stuck with road tyres and a farmer driving it really can you. And for land rover knowing what they are doing that is a question I could list faults for a reasons why I would not want a defender all day . How they have managed to trick people into to thinking other wise is beyond me apart from the 3.5t towing I cant see what the fuss is about. You put tractor tyres and a winch on anything and you will get out of anything simple as that. Come on the Japs!!
  2. Will they take it back with out a receipt as the bloke who I bought it off said hey had tried but if that’s the case barging I win!! I thought it worked off a magnet idea is this true? Or was that the old one?
  3. Just bought a dodge( not in working order - not nicked) Mk3 collar off a chap out the local green paper for hardly any money. Just wondering if any one knows how the whole depth thing works to give me an idea of how to fix it. Or at least have a go or if its dead is there any parts worth keeping bar the collar it self. Cheers.
  4. Trying to locate a suppler of cheap ferret finder collar batteries on the net or other wise any suggestions?
  5. If your making gate nets my advise is to make them in hemp as nylon is a real arse to keep tangle free in short pieces and they also double up as end nets for ferreting those awkward thorny hedges. As for long nets if your making 25 yards then hemp isn’t to heavy though 30 yards plus is nylon territory. I use 4z or 6z .as for hares I have never had problems using 6z and I cant see one getting out of a 4z either but any debris on the ground and you will be making one a week!! As far as knots go you need to be tightening them right then they don’t slip but doubling is better than finding
  6. Hello every one! My question is about the Mk 3 locator. I have the pin pointer version and the batteries in the collar don’t seem to be lasting very long at all any one had similar problems/ where do you guys get your batts from/ Last thing any one else feel that the collar comes apart fare too easily? I’m putting tape on mine as a precaution but compared to the old leather collar seems well shit! Any thought?
  7. Thanks every one for your thoughts on this matter it is all very much appreciated . Nice one
  8. Hello just been asked if I would be interested in mole catching on a local golf course. I have no problem with catching the moles but I've never been paid to do it before and was just wondering how would I go about pricing such a job. Would you charge by the acre or a fixed fee for the year. If anybody can help me by giving me the going rate for a mole catching I would be very grateful.
  9. Hope you get her back mate. Be careful who you mention it to though as you could be liable for some dead pet rabbits!! One of my polecat Jill’s escaped not so long ago and killed two of are chickens and was nowhere to be seen luckily next morning a farmer had seen it close to my house I thought it could have been mine so rang me. So I took my terrier to the field and he found her hiding under an old grass topper.
  10. That faun dog is a lovely looking thing mate; looks in tip top condition how old is it?
  11. :11: :11: Skinny rat Not having a go at your post it had been changed by the time I read it I only had a quote to go on and again just trying to answer something for all replies I had. Ferrets ‘r’ us I like it next year that will be the topic name for my classified add!! As to £25 worth of colour I wish I had that info now ready for next year! This year I sold four.One was brown polecat two sandy polecats and one very dark black polecat Personally the one I kept for my self a chocolate poly was the best looker and no bids so F**ck knows! Thanks for looking all and to any one tha
  12. Just reading through some of the posts I have either posted or replied too and noticed that on my post on the 29th of July when advertising to sell some ferrets that I was referred to as a cock!! This was due to the fact that I was asking between £5 and £25 for a ferret. I have this year had 6 Jills that had 43 kits between them, all of which have sold as workers, pets or showpieces. Which incidentally according to Mr. Compo show ferrets and their owners don’t do rabbiting!! (Please do add a tail to this if you work and show ferrets) And believe it or not I do know that all ferrets are
  13. What and why spring to mind. Firstly that is too small that would make the kits about 1 inch tops!! how could you even get a litter in the first place with what perants. I would also imagine that such a small ferret would be knackerd in no time. And if the guy that had a go at us in last weeks countryman's( wich by the way is no anti!! :11: ) would hear about this I would have to agree with him.....wich is very ironic. :11: get your self a small (but normal) ferret and stop thinking about stupid things its almost sept!!
  14. Totally agree there is no need to train a ferret to go after rabbits. The only thing I have carried on doing from the days I was in school when I couldn’t afford hemp or heavy nylon purse nets is leave one in the court with them so they get the hang of going through with out having a ‘bottle brush’ moment and twist and tangling the f**k out of the nets :realmad: . I still do this and let the kits play with the collars on for a day or two ( not on all the time just while I’m there feeding them and so on) before I first take them out. Any one else do any thing similar?
  15. That’s not a hutch that’s a HOTEL!! Nice work with the hutch and I wouldn’t worry to much about the odd nipp with the kind of care you are obviously showing them they will trust you and as you have already mentioned handle them you cant over handle them believe me.
  16. Hello! Nice to meet you hope you will be helping with the posts that go up on here, as there are a few lads on here that know where there at with the old ferrets and its always a good place to source info on pretty much anything weasle like! :welcomeani:
  17. Wasn’t life easier before we all got cheated in to being ‘criminals’!!
  18. Bravo!! That letter is the way for you to go Whippetboy after reading that I’d almost give you my permission! Don’t spoil what could be a good relationship with your local farmers as some one else has said they all talk and it could lead to more permission. It has and still does bring me new work all the time. So get writing and good luck and let us all know how it turns out for you.
  19. I have always used straw inside there sleeping compartments or boxes. With wood savings in the light compartments, and the only thing I do is sprinkle some louse powder every time I clean out there beds and never had any problems at all. I do the same in the corner where they shit and this time of year seems to discourage the flies as well. And as far as the weather goes it’s meant to be getting even hotter next month according to the papers!!!
  20. You guys that dig 7ft are mad I would never bother for a few rabbits. Call me lazy but I never work (un less I really have too) anything that looks deep or has tree roots not worth it either lurcher or rifle territory! My deepest dig to date is 5-6 feet that was a few years back when using a liner and he got caught on a root.
  21. If you mean the small steel ones then any ex army store will have one. If it’s light digging (sand or top of a hedge) there fine but that’s about it really. If you struggle to get hold of one PM me and I can get one for you no problem.
  22. I can see the chicken and the egg scenario your building but personally I would play hell for not coming back to heel in the first place. I’m the first to admit that I will tolerate things that I shouldn’t with my dogs but heel is the only thing in my opinion a dog should do every time regardless of what trail or kill he on.
  23. The obvious answer is to get a locator but to answer your question. I have used the line method and as described by 'rabbit slayer' the only difference is my line has been taped at foot intervals. This was the way I was first taught to use ferrets to catch rabbits. And what the old fellow that taught me use to do was tug lightly on the line if the liner (hob) had stopped taking line. There were two reasons one was to feel if the hob was caught on a root or similar, or if he was on the kill he would more than often than not (depending on depth and ground type) start to drag the rabbit out wit
  24. Hello! I’m after some advice. I would like too get hold of a lurcher but am un sure of what cross to get. Preferably I would like a dog that has brains and steadiness a plenty so i'm thinking collie. But then what? I will be lamping and ferreting mostly but don’t want a big (tall) dog but don’t know if I can handle the attitude of a whippet. As you have already gathered this will be my first lurcher so training will be new to me also. Any suggestions??
  25. Branch

    rat nets

    At the risk of starting a war, WHY THE F--K USE FERRETS FOR RATS? The ferret deserves better than that, being bitten and getting all sorts of shit into their blood systems, WHAT THE F--K IS ALL THAT ABOUT? Macho man posing or what? Still, there are hunters and then there are H U N T E R S! Fair enough if it comes across one during a rabbiting session, I'd love to see some of these 'hard ratting men' put their face into a hole with a rat, but they expect the ferret to face up to one, tossers! :realmad: What! That really is a stupid thing to say! Would you give your face to a fox? Or eve
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